Another Hair Question

I am 8 months out and started losing my hair around the 3rd month. I lost it by the handfuls for awhile, then it gradually started tapering off and seems to have almost stopped now. It is fairly thin (not bad though) and the texture is just not the same anymore. Fortunately, I can still wear it long (just past my shoulders) and was considering getting a perm to help with fullness. I would also like to color it because some gray hairs have come back! But since my hair has been in such a fragile state over the past few months, is it a good idea to do a perm and some coloring? I don't want to make matters worse! Also, can anyone recommend some good hair products to help it look thicker and shinier and stronger? It just looks so dull and flat now. :( Thank you!    — MomBear2Cubs (posted on February 2, 2004)

February 2, 2004
My hair is still coming out at one year but has slowed down. My hairdresser last week said no perm for me right now but okayed the color. i colored over the weekend and love it. I haven't used any of the special vits and hair care products because my surgeon said it is a waste of money as far as stopping the loss. but i know there are some that help it look thicker. Just don't know what to use myself. My hair is very fine so the conditioners are out.
   — Delores S.

February 2, 2004
I am just about 4 months out and I have only noticed a few strands here and there. I know many say that the hair growth products are a waste of money but I use them and attribute my lack of hair loss to them. Since I color my hair (about every 6 weeks) I use Nioxin Bionutrient cleanser for chemically treated hair and the Nioxin Scalp Therapy for conditioning and restoring hair health. I also try to remember to take a Biotin tablet when I actually do remember my vitamins but that isn't very often. I have had a problem with my hair over the past couple of years so I expected to go bald but like I said I only loss a couple of strands a day. I hope this info helps you. Good luck and God bless. Tina Lap RNY 10/6/03 275/208/155.
   — tntwildlife77

February 2, 2004
THE HAIR--My hair have stopped sheddin soo much left me with a few strands of length and soo thin sooo thin but,it is comin back now slowly i tell ya..I took the biotin faithfully and have been faithfully for four months..and the prenatal and the zinc and i took vitamin e still did it course..but--i do think once the biotin got in system it stop comin out soo bad..I am a lady of color..(black) is thin on sides soo thin the only way i can wear my hair now is to cover the bald spots and pull it back into a fake ball in the back its cute but when i think of my long beautiful head of hair i had i can CRY..Ladies of color tell me how long does it take for our hair to GROW...MY soo sensitive cant glue me none!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — Cornelia W.

February 3, 2004
Im not real sure what the solution might be but I am a cosmetologist and i would reccomend NOT perming your hair right now.and I refer all my clients to nioxin products for hair loss, it seems to be the best..good luck and hope it helps..
   — Lisa S.

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