What happened to the sort in the Find Peers section?

We used to be able to show all names and it would sort by city. This was a great way for me to see if there were any newbies that were in my area. Now I have to scan through the entire list for my local towns and it takes quite a bit of time. Can we have this function back? Thank you, Mary Beth    — Beffy W. (posted on February 9, 2004)

February 9, 2004
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. It was nice to sort by area.
   — TLLessor

February 9, 2004
Hi, I went to find peers. Then I went to my state and once I got there, I clicked on find by city and it was easy to go through and find anyone close to where I am. Hope this helps. {{{HUGS}}}
   — Carolyn L.

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