How about some fun..Can you cite three things, people, events that you feel blessed

With Ash Wednesday approaching, I've been noticing how upbeat I feel all day when I list my blessings. Hope you have fun with this. Name three people, events, or things that make you feel blessed either now that you've had WLS or are waiting for it. Here's my short list: pantyhose that actually fit! People who treat me as an equal instead of "that fat lady"--especially the ones who never knew me fat. Being able to walk and run and play with my children without saying, "sorry, Mommy's tired..." A dear, understanding, supportive spouse. Crossing my legs. Oops that's more than three. What about you?    — Mary Ann B. (posted on February 23, 2004)

February 23, 2004
Traveling to Uganda and Rwanda and trekking to see the mountain gorilla's. Riding a horse without breaking its back. Sitting in an airline seat. Walking into a store for women that wear 14 plus and being told I was too small to shop there. There are so many more.
   — barbara A.

February 23, 2004
1)My husband. 2)Crossing my legs. 3) Picking up something by leaning out of a chair. There are literally hundreds!!!
   — jen41766

February 23, 2004
My three are God, God, God. I was truly blessed that He loved me enough to die for me so that i might come to know him in the fullness of His Glory. When it is time to count my blessings, I don't think of material things or places first. "out of your mouth flows the abundance of the heart.' In other words, what is first in your heart is what will come out of your mouth. Have a blessed Ash Wednesday everyone. I know preaching is against the rules. I am not preaching, just counting as blessings, the three things I hold most dear. (as asked to do)
   — Delores S.

February 23, 2004
1) I have to second the crossing my legs 2)being able to venture into the "regular" size of the store for the FIRST time in my life 3) I am blessed with a wonder friend who has loved me just as much now, then when I was 170 pounds heavier :)
   — WABBIT F.

February 23, 2004
Definately crossing my legs. Being able to wear my husbands clothes ( I have never ever been able to do that). Running. The LOOKS!!! Not being recognized sometimes. I have been married for fifteen years and my husband just got to carry me over the threshhold (he rolled me back then LOL!!)
   — Tonya N.

February 23, 2004
Darn near everything since WLS has been a blessing! Feeling like an equal, being able to go to the mall with my 16 year old daughter and actually enjoy the time there with her. Feeling my children's arms around me all the way, not feeling like my chest will crush me when I sleep, feeling "cute" and not disgusting, setting new boundaries with people and feeling ok about it, and a wonderful new job opportunity working with Bariatric patients. God is Good... oops... that was more than three too!
   — Happy I.

February 23, 2004
Mary Ann: There are so many more than three to name! But that "crossing the legs" thing is a biggie, isn't it? Having my husband be able to hug me easily is another good one. And knowing that both my son and I have come through WLS with flying colors and we're both enjoying the beginnings of a whole new life! May the blessings continue for all!
   — Carlita

February 23, 2004
1) Tying my shoes and breathing at the same time. 2)Fitting comfortably into a booth at a restaurant. 3) Being able to run up steps without feeling like my chest will explode. And the list could go on and on. Thanks for starting a great thread!
   — koogy

February 23, 2004
1) My dear, supportive husband 2) no more incontinence 3) playing with my children without being tired. Thanks, what a great way to begin a day!! :)
   — Amy P.

February 24, 2004
1) Being able to participate at my children's school and in their extracurricular activites without fear of embarrasing them in front of their peers. 2) Just being able to live each day without having to work around/deal with the physical and psychological limitations of being MO. 3) Crossing my legs ;)
   — mom2jtx3

February 24, 2004
I can't believe no one has put this yet... SEX! much better! Having my husband put his arms around me and his expression that his arms overlap! Running with my child. Doing areobics with the skinny girls and keeping up! A restful sleep! God bless!
   — peggyp

February 24, 2004
There are so many, but I will only list a few. My dear sweet husband that has been by my side the whole time, being able to exercise and like it, finding my true friends that have stuck beside me and are really interested in what is going on with the whole process instead of " OH you had surgery that's great " and then never call again when I started to drop some serious weight. These are just a few of the things that I am feeling blessed about right now.
   — jamie H.

February 24, 2004
1) Standing without pain; 2) Feeling normal instead of freakish; 3) Clothes!
   — Celia A.

February 25, 2004
first & dear husband who was 6 weeks out from having a cancerous kidney removed & slept in my hospital room on an army cot the whole 4 days i was there. surgeon & his god blessed hands. third...being able to crawl around on the floor with my grandchildren, something i was never able to do with my own 3 children. fourth...taking my pants off the hanger & looking at the size 12 waist & thinking (for the 100th time) 'oh geez, these arent going to fit me!!!'
   — sheryl titone

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