Anyone having repair done a roller coaster? How soon?

My hernia repair was two weeks ago. Spring Break trip to Florida is planned for the first full week of April (about six - seven weeks from surgery). Has anyone done amusement park rides after hernia repair or open gallbladder that soon? (I did roller coasters about five to six months after my open, but....) My doctor isn't ready to comment yet until the next appointment five days prior to us leaving. I don't want to overdo it by any means, but I want to plan a realistic vacation for the kids, so I just want some real life experience from you all. Thanks!    — Mary Ann B. (posted on February 26, 2004)

February 26, 2004
Maryann, I had surgery on August 7th 2003 plus had my gallbladder out, plus ended back in the hospital for another week 2 weeks after surgery, I went on rollercoasters the first time was Oct 11th so you figure it was 2 months from my surgery and did fine I mean I did Steel force and that was 87 miles an hour and i did fine, but I would check with your Doctor also. If you go have Fun because I sure the HELL Did..................HAHAHAA. Good LUCK! And have ablast! CHRISTINE :)
   — blainejrjeni

February 28, 2004
I had my bypass surgery a year ago and my gall bladder out 4 week ago. Three post post op from the gall bladder I was riding carnival rides at the fair. Good Luck
   — Jodie S.

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