after having wls has anyone noticed having a drier, flackier scalp?

after having wls has anyone noticed having a drier, flackier scalp?    — marcelle1070 (posted on March 2, 2004)

March 2, 2004
I'm 3 1/2 months post-op and I've got drier flakier everything. My skin stays dry and itches like crazy. Let me know if you find out how to fix it.
   — ceciln

March 2, 2004
Are you getting your 3 servings of fat a day? ie margarine, mayo, etc.
   — mrsmyranow

March 2, 2004
I had dry flaky skin all over my body between months 3-6. lots of lotion and head and shoulders. Hang in there
   — Jodie S.

March 2, 2004
I agree. Cutting down on fats can cause that. I've spent more on lotions and creams since the surgery than I ever have in my life. I won't complain tho. It's well worth it.
   — lharbison

March 2, 2004
Are you taking dry form vit E? Since we malabsorb fats & oils to a degree, that's one of the ones we need to replace. They come in 400IU capsules. Not soft gels with oil inside. 800IU/day is recommended for the general public for heart health. Your multi probably has 30/60, something like that.
   — vitalady

March 2, 2004
We malabsorb fat... so there is less being absorbed in our system and it does become evident in the suppleness of our skin and hair. Moisturize right out of the shower when you are damp to retain important moisture. Ciao, Susan Maria
   — SusanMaria

March 2, 2004
My scalp was so dry and flaky it itched so terribly I was going crazy until my dermatalogist recommended a shampoo. Nutregena T-Gel stubborn itch shampoo was my miracle in a bottle. I use it every other day.
   — ckreh

March 2, 2004
My scalp is ok but my hands are literally like sandpaper. I use a ton of lotion, but at times it is so bad that my hands snag my pantyhose.
   — Fixnmyself

March 2, 2004
Years ago, when I was having so much trouble with my legs, my doctor insisted that I take omega 3 fatty acids (or fish oil) in capsules. He said that dry skin is best treated from the inside. It does work. I always get dry skin in the winter, and this has stopped since I take the oil caps. You might want to give it a try, especially since we have cut back drastically on our fat intake and we malabsorb most of that.
   — Linda S.

March 2, 2004
Before surgery, I had dry skin. Now I really have dry skin, especially with winter still hanging in! Anyway, my PCP recommends Vaseline! I've been using it on myself (not my scalp tho'!) for the past two years. It works better than any lotion in the world and it is so inexpensive. I apply it right after I shower. I don't apply every day, probably 3-4 times a week.
   — Jodie P.

March 2, 2004
I INTENTIONALLY added more fat to my diet because of dry scalp, itchy dry hurting skin, severe constipation and other minor issues. The added canola oil solved all these problems. I dont recommend this for new posties but once your at goal its something to consider. The fish oil pills sound like a good idea.
   — bob-haller

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