Need list of bloodwork to be done - 12m Post Op

Hi everyone, I am fast reaching my 1 year anniversary. My PCP will be ordering my bloodwork instead of my surgeon. My ins co will not cover the surgeons visit but it will for my PCP. No biggie, but I need a list of bloodwork for my wonderful and nice PCP. I know I need a CBC w/dif, B-12, TSH (I have no thyroid) and ??? Thank you all. 4/3/04 283/181/175    — M B. (posted on March 12, 2004)

March 12, 2004
My PCP has done all of my bloodwork since surgery, but it was based on orders from my surgeon. Could your surgeon provide you (or your PCP) with the tests that he wants to see? If not, can you get copies of you prior labs and take a copy to your PCP and just ask that they run the same ones? Personally, I request a copy of all of my lab results. I want to see if I see a trend before it becomes a problem. EX. My iron levels might decrease over the course of 2 labs or so, but still be in the normal range. My PCP wouldn't think anything of it since it was still normal, however, I would notice that it was decreasing each visit and point it out and ask if I should do something to keep it from going lower. Good Luck.
   — Carolyn M.

March 12, 2004
My surgeon is no longer in my insurance network. However, they are very helpful. I just had them fax a copy of their lab requisition to my PCP and she ordered the same tests and used the diagnostic codes as well. Good luck! Shelley
   — Shelley.

March 12, 2004
I year labs were Comprehensive Metabolic panel, CBC with Differental, Vitamins B-12 and Folate, iron Serum. This covers it all.
   — Delores S.

March 12, 2004
If you email me privately, I'll be happy to send you a list of the ones we have done. It's quite a thorough list and includes some dx codes that might be helpful to your doc. I was in the same position a few years back. New ins, new docs. I've had to train this one from "infancy" and he's doing very well. [email protected]
   — vitalady

March 12, 2004
Hey Michelle, I tried to email you for that comprehensive list and it won't accept it. Could you please email me at [email protected]? I see my pcp on Monday. Thanks a bunch. Ann in TX
   — Ann B.

March 13, 2004
Michelle, I could really use that list also. COuld you please e-mail it to me? I too, have a PCP to train. Thanks, Nancy [email protected]
   — nancymc10

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