has anyone else had problems w/ mmpc getting a surgery date after insurance approval

I received my approval on Tues, 3/9, and still can not get a surgery date scheduled, even though I was told it would be within a couple of days after approval was received. I feel like I am being put on the back burner.    — Jeanna M. (posted on March 14, 2004)

March 14, 2004
Actually, you need to be a little more patient. Sometimes the doctor's office needs to get the approval in writting before they will start the wheels turning on the scheduling of your surgery. Doctor's offices are busy places and there are many other patients that are waiting for their surgeries also. I know it is hard to wait but sometimes if you sometimes just have to wait in cue for your turn. It will happen for you, just not on the schedule you sometimes think that it should be. Good luck.
   — ChristineB

March 14, 2004
Operating rooms make their schedules only so far in advance. Usually, the doctors who do weight loss surgery have a long waiting list. They will schedule the patients as far in advance as the operating room will allow. I know it seems like "forever", it did to me. Please try to be patient, your time will come *S* Good luck and God bless.<br> Hugs,<br> Linda
   — Linda S.

March 15, 2004
I'm scheduled for LAP-RNY at mmpc, April 5th. I was approved for surgery and within one week I received a phone call to schedule the surgery date. I was sitting on pins & needles on the days in between, so I can understand your anxiety. Don't get yourself worked up while you wait...they'll contact you as soon as they can. Keep your chin up and keep us posted. (((hugs)))~
   — Jennifer M.

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