having severe leg spasms >> cramps

I started working 4 wks ago 12hrs a day 2 day on 2 day off from 7PM to 7AM.I have good steel toe shoes with support arches in them. But after work when I am relaxing or trying to sleep I sometimes suffer from extremely painful leg spasms,charley horses, cramps in both legs. Sometimes the pain is in my lower leg at the top of my ankle which draws, and curls my toes upward, or they will be in my thighs. This is very painful and I try to walk it out. Sometimes it affects both legs at the same time which is pure %^$#.I know standing on feet dose not help but could this be a vitamin or protein deficiency ?? I know I'm not getting in my recommended proteins and I do plan on trying to go back to drinking protein drinks.Could anyone else recommend trying anything else I would great appreciate it. Thank you Charlene    — charanewme (posted on April 6, 2004)

April 6, 2004
I have that also so far its just been in my right leg I can just imanage what you are going threw i both of thembut any ways I have always been told it from low potisam not sure i spelled that right but been told need to eat bannans for it I have and it does seam to help Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

April 6, 2004
I agree with Beth. I had this and at times the pain was excrutiating. I was also advised that it was probably a low potassium level. Try the bananas, and if that doesn't work in a few days ask your Dr.. Good luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

April 6, 2004
Charlene, You can try the Carbwise protein bars. They taste kind of like a rice crispy bar. There are about 4 or 5 different flavors. They are really very good. Also, Carb Solutions makes protein bars and pre made shakes that are wonderful. Try getting some Whey protein and sprinkle it on the food you eat. It adds more protein to the everyday food that you eat.
   — Dee Ann A.

April 6, 2004
Potassium, calcium or magnesium. We can never get enough calcium, but I'd certainly get labs before dinking around much with the others. Calcium citrate, of course, with vit D. If you're craving salt, too, then yeah, please get blood drawn ASAP. Potassium = heart
   — vitalady

April 6, 2004
If blood work rules out all other causes then ask your doc about using Quinine Sulfate. I have had the same problem for years, long before WLS. Finally they said try the meds and for me it's like a miracle cure. Within a minute I can start to feel the relief. It gets into your bloodstream extremely quickly. You can also find quinine in beverages such as tonic water. I tried all kinds of drug and non-drug fixes before finding the Quinine Sulfate.
   — zoedogcbr

April 6, 2004
Leg cramps are such a fun thing for docs to diagnose. They can be caused by too much water, as well as not enough water. Low potassium, low magnesium, low salt levels in the blood, Hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia and hypernatremia can produce cramps. Cramps are common with hypoparathyroidism. Oh so many things. You should insist on a complete blood work-up so that they can figure out exactly what is causing this. It really is nothing to 'guess' at. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 6, 2004
I would say labs first.<br> I have had a lot of leg cramps since WLS, but is generally after a period when I have not been diligent about my water intake.
   — kultgirl

April 7, 2004
We are not qualified to say... your doc is you best bet. But I'm thinking Blood Clot or Low Potassium. Ether is not good. Contact your doc!
   — Danmark

April 7, 2004
   — Paulette G.

April 8, 2004
Sounds like hypokalemia (Low Potassium). Call your doc, get your labs drawn, and ask about recommended supplements or something you could add to your diet. Good luck!
   — ecrayne

August 31, 2006
I'm three years post-op, maintaining my weight, gained back 20 lbs after the first 1.5 years but watching it. Suddenly severe muscle spasms in legs and feet usually in the morning but the other night while driving which really scared me. I looked it up online and calcium/vitamin D was the top cause which I always thought potasium/bannanas that were not helping...if this doesn't work, milk and supplements which is the only thing i have been doing wrong so far then I'm heading to the doc....
   — agrandone

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