Is ketosis dangerous?

After reading about ketosis on WEBMD I'm a little unclear if this is a good thing or a bad thing. It seems that its a bad thing and dangerous, yet so many here claim its natural and good indication of weight loss surgery being effective. What's the truth?    — Renee B. (posted on April 15, 2004)

April 15, 2004
People confuse ketosis and ketoacidosis all the time. Ketosis isn't dangerous whereas ketoacidosis is. Here's a good article on the Atkins site about it:
   — M. Me

April 15, 2004
Let me echo the previous posting the ketosis for non-diabetic obese people is not dangerous. It is, in fact, how we are able to lose the hundreds of pounds of extra weight that are the real dangers to us. Of course, as you progress along with your weight loss, you do need to be closely monitored to be certain that you are staying well hydrated, maintaining proper nutrition and handling the many emotional issues that follow the transition.
   — SteveColarossi

April 15, 2004
I stayed in ketosis, continually, for the first 5-1/2 months after my surgery (then in and out for the next 4 months after that) with no adverse changes in my kidney or liver tests. Would have thought that if it was 'bad' something would have showed up in that time frame. I know there is a lot of controversy on this though. If you click the library link then type in ketosis you will get tons of info.
   — eaamc

April 15, 2004
Ketosis is not dangerous if kept in the light to moderate range on the ketostik (light pink to light lavender). If it gets into the strong range (purple) for a sustained period of time, it can be very dangerous. It is important to monitor your ketosis closely so that you don't let it get too high, wherein it can be harmful to the kidneys. Very important also to stay well hydrated. That can be part of the reason for the stick turning dark purple--not enough fluids.<p>That being said, I made a concerted effort to stay in light to moderate ketosis the entire time I was losing weight (approximately 15 months). It didn't hurt me a bit. I'm now 2 and a half years post-op and healthy as a horse.
   — artistmama

April 15, 2004
I like one of the other posters chose to stay in max ketosis for about 4-1/2 months. After that, floated in and out. The reason I did was it was burning the fat off me, BIG TIME! Why mess with what's working. I discussed it with my surgeon and he said it would be safe for even like a year as long as I got in plenty of water to flush the ketones out of my body. Otherwise they could do damage. I was watched with bloodwork every 3 months and they saw no adverse effects. <p>Like someone else said, it can get mixed up with ketoacidocis (sp?), which is a whole different ballgame and damgerous for diabetics. All I know is it gave me a great start to losing 247 lbs in just under 13 months. Doesn't mean it's for everybody and I certainly would discuss it with your surgeon and/or PCP before diving in for the long haul.
   — zoedogcbr

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