does anyone know how a stock purchase plan works

I have a stock purshace were I work I have 25.00 a wk take out of my heck for it I know it was good to get it but dont understand how it works when you sell it and if I sell it do I haft to rebuy it again? Take Care huggs Beth    — wildbrat (posted on April 27, 2004)

April 26, 2004
How does this relate to WLS or morbid obesity support? Trying to figure out how this made it past the moderators onto the Q&A - this would have been better asked on the message boards (even though it is still off-topic). This question would better be directed to your benefits people at work as stock purchase plans vary widely from employer to employer...JR
   — John Rushton

April 26, 2004
Are you asking as a way to maybe try and finance some post-op plastics work? Take John's advice and ask your benefits coordinator. Usually if you cash out there are taxes and penalties to pay, and they would be able to help you out with all that?
   — Ali M

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