Can strictures happen this far post op?

I am nearly 10 months post op down 104 lbs : )When I was early out I frothed alot but did not ever have a stricture.I have recently been going through this again. At least 4-5 times a week for the last 2 weeks my food has been getting stuck (dinner each time). I don't feel like I am eating any differently but I am miserable and a little worried. Is there anything that can cause this at this time in my journey? Thanks for any help you can give. Wendie prox,transected RNY July11,2003    — WendieS (posted on May 5, 2004)

May 5, 2004
Wendie, I started experiencing the same thing last week (7 months post-op). Everything seemed to hurt going down so I really stopped and looked at how I was eating and sure enough, I had started taking larger bites and was not chewing as thoroughly as I needed to. I started putting my fork down between bites and concentrating on chewing and mine has cleared up. Don't know about strictures, I thought they only happened in the early months after surgery. Hope you get it figured out and feel better.
   — scbabe

May 6, 2004
Wendie, yes can have a stricture at any time PO. I am now 11 months po and I had a stricture at 9 months. I have had a total of 3. I could get one agin too. The procedure is no big deal. If you start really chewing slowing and your bites are not bigger than usual and you still have a problem eating you just might have stricture. Not unusal even at 11 months po.
   — Lisa G.

May 6, 2004
You bet they can! Call your doc and get scoped, please ...Diane
   — DianeN

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