22 months post-op having acid reflux

I had open RNY July 2002 and have been on Prevacid ever since. Lately I have started to have acid reflux.I thought there was very little acid in the pouch and the prevacid was just a pre-caution. Has anyone else had this happen and should I be concerned that something has happened? I haven't lost any weight since 13 month but have been maintaining.    — Sheryann Z. (posted on May 30, 2004)

May 31, 2004
Are you transected? Don't want to scare you, but it sounds like either a staple line disruption or fistula. A little heartburn, sure, but the acid backing up seems to indicate that your old tummy is in use again, and the acid now has an avenue through your pouch again. I would suggest having an endoscopy done to see if your pouch is still intact. Good luck.
   — Leslie F.

June 7, 2004
Hi, I had my surgery 7/5/01 and have been on prilosec ever since. My doctor said that I should not be getting heartburn at all. I wasn't told what to do about it either, so I just keep taking my pills. Let me knoe if you find anything out. Ann
   — Ann F.

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