Will some of you describe your experience with strictures?

I am almost 9 weeks out. I had no problems eating the soft/pureed foods. When I first moved to solids, I had no problems. Last week and this week have been different. I'm making every effort to chew, chew, chew and I'm paying careful attention not to eat too fast. But, after only 2 bites, I feel uncomfortable. Was wondering if I possibly have a stricture. I know I will need to contact my surgeon, but I would like to hear from you in the meantime.    — Robin D. (posted on June 18, 2004)

June 18, 2004
Robin, My first stricture happened soon after I went to Puree foods. I just felt I could not eat another bite after only eating 1-2 Tab. of food. I had reflux and pain or pressure in my back and stomach areas. My Surgeon did an EGD and then took a ballon and inflated it at the top of my pouch to increase the size of the opening. He said it was 4 times to small and probably shrunk after surgery- this can happen because of surgery it swells and then heals up and shrinks. I have had 3 total EGDS with ballon dilatations each time. It feels so much better every time I'm stretched. My last one was April 22. When food gets backed up in my esophagus the pain is excruiating and I throw up lots of phlegm. The best thing when this happens is to lay down and relax so the food can go down slowly. Don't try to drink or eat anything else to force it down as you become more miserable. You have the right attitude about contacting your surgeon ASAP.
   — CATHY B.

June 18, 2004
Hi, I have had 2 strictures. The first occurred at 3 weeks post op. the first sign was vomiting up a protein drink that I had just drank as well as a dose of Lortab. The next morning I had drank some water and it just came right back up. I was pretty much unable to keep more than a few sips at a time down. I also vomited up foamy stuff (saliva that pools in the pouch) I was scoped and in my case I still had problems later (gastrogastric fistula) and ended up having about 6 EGDs altogether.I ended up having another stricture 3 months post op...what a mess!! Call your surgeon's office that is the most wise thing to do.But since you did not say that you are vomiting the chance of stricture is my humble non medical speaking from only what I have experienced myself Lisa
   — Lisa B.

June 18, 2004
I had a a stricture about 6 weeks out but did not know it. Bad pain after eating. Then hurling food and then water. Foamy stuff. Finally called surgen, had a procedure. What a relief. Now at 2 months out I maybe starting to have another. Will wait till next week to call surgeon.
   — nrowe46

June 19, 2004
the trouble i had was eating and throwing up.... if you are only feel full, it's likely just getting used to food and how much you can eat at one time. to be safe, have your Dr. chek it out. if it is a structure, don't panic, it's a simple proceedure and solves the problem!
   — glblgal

June 20, 2004
You sound exactly as I experienced. I had no problem with liquids or pureed food. Somewhere around 10 weeks out, I started to feel very uncomfortable after only two bites of food. No matter how much I tried to chew or eat slowly, I still ended up miserable and began to vomit. It was usually foamy and the food didn't come up with it. I kept thinking that maybe it was the fact I have so much sinus drainage and my pouch was full in the mornings. Then I decided it was because I was eating too fast, then it was that my medicine was hurting my pouch. But, after talking with my surgeon (and me keeping on being in denial for three weeks), he convinced me I needed to have an EGD to check for a stricture. UREKA!! That was the problem. He inflated a balloon and stretched it out. The entire procedure didn't last more than 10 minutes tops. Call your surgeon and describe your symptoms to someone and they'll let you know what you should do. Hope this helps...good luck.
   — Katherine F.

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