VBG instead of the RNY

Hi Everyone, I had my surgery on Friday and the surgeon discovered that it would not be safe to perform the RNY on me due to some problems with my intestines that may have caused a leak if the RNY was done. So basically he did the VBG and my question is....has anyone here had the VBG and what has your experience been like? Thank you for your help and support. Hugs, Sara    — Sara A (posted on September 20, 2004)

September 20, 2004
Hi there...I had the VBG 3/18/03. I have lost a total of 100 pounds since surgery but also at my 6 month anniversary, found out that I was pregnant!! I had a healthy pregnancy and only gained 13 pounds. Had a 6 lb 15 oz baby boy and since his birth have lost 27 lbs. I have 15 more to go until my goal weight. I have only had 1 problem since the surgery and that was eating too fast and my food getting stuck. You can read more on my profile!! Take care and good luck with your weight loss.
   — Michelle M.

September 20, 2004
Hi Sara, I did have very good results with my VBG while the staple line was intact. Since there is a physical reason why you could not have the RNY, I would be very diligent about keeping an eye on your mechanics. I would suggest having a yearly EGD (scope) to make sure your staple line remains intact. Mine did not disrupt until my 5 year mark, and that is when I started gaining weight. Good luck!
   — Ali M

September 22, 2004
Sara ... I had an open VBG over four years ago (April 17/00), and there hasn't been a day that I haven't thanked God I had it done. Lost about 140 pounds, feel great, had very little problem recovering from the surgery or afterward, when I had my tummy tuck a year later. While with a VBG your weight will not come off as quickly as with a RNY, it'll come off. And while even after all this time there's things I still can't eat without being sick (bread, red meat, some raw veggies, clementine oranges -- and I love those!), the freedom this surgery has given me far outweighs (no pun intended) any limitation it's placed on what I can cram into my face. Have no fear -- you'll do great. Best wishes and thin thoughts,
   — Cheryl Denomy

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