What can I take to make me go??

I had my surgery on 11/3 and had diareah from the day before until last Wednesday (the 10th) and that was the last time I had one. I bought some vegetable laxatives and even tried coffee this morning and nothing is happening. I don't have a belly ache or anything but I know its not good to go this long. Does anyone have any suggestions???    — Splenderella (posted on November 17, 2004)

November 16, 2004
Go to Kroger and get some Smooth Move tea from the health food dept. It works!!!!I had the same problem. You gcould also go to the vitamin store and get senna caps. They work too. Hope this helps. It is really a pain in the butt!!! No pun intended.
   — CAROL M.

November 16, 2004
I know that milk products I can not tolerate now since I've had WLS so when I need to go I drink a little milk and that fixes me.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 16, 2004
Beachlvr71, You could call your surgeons office and see what they recommend. My doc prescribed a stool softener. I think it was over a week before I had a bm in fact i think it was more like 10days...even though I had gas (sorry). But figure this soon out of surgery you are not taking much in, so there isn't going to much coming out, but still to be safe call your doc. Better to be safe than sorry. Lisa lap/rny 10-23-03 340/181/??? -159lbs
   — Lisa H.

November 16, 2004
I second that nomination of Smooth Move Tea. I've gotten it at Kroger and at the Vitaminshoppe. If that doesn't work, my backup is Milk of Magnesia.
   — Cathy S.

November 16, 2004
If your stomach is up to it the little bit of bran or raisin bran is a wonderful mover. If ya know what I mean. I have a couple bowls a week and it really does the trick. Hope this helps. Ask your doctor is you can have the bran. It softens up in milk really fast and is really soluble.
   — Suzann G.

November 16, 2004
First thing you need to do is ask your doctor for a recommendation...........mine advised me to take Milk of Magnesia. Since I was only drinking liquid for three weeks, I thought I didn't need it and I didn't follow his advice. BIG MISTAKE. I was so constipated it was almost impossible to go and hurt like a son-of-a-gun. I still have to take MOM about every other day and I'm over 14 months out. You might have to try several different things until you find what works for you. I had heard that lots of people get diaahrea when they have their gall bladder out and I was hoping but not me, still having the opposite problem but MOM usually takes care of it for me.
   — scbabe

November 16, 2004
Depending on the severity, I've used colace (a stool softener), benefiber, milk of magnesia, and once, after a LBL and major pain pills, a fleet enema (I was DESPERATE). Good luck :) The only things I've combined are the benefiber and the stool softener. Check with your doc though. Linda
   — mom2jtx3

November 17, 2004
Being such a new post-op, I would definitely check with your Dr like several others have suggested. But for further down the road, here is my suggestion: I have the same problem even now 16 mos later. It becomes a particular problem when I am concentrating mostly on eating proteins. I used to drink Sugar-Free Citrucel and although I could get it down, it was nasty and thick. I would rather chew something and get it over with rather than have to sip on it. So now I am taking Sugar-Free Fiber Choice which I bought at Walmart. When I first started taking them, I started with 2 tablets 3 times a day and when it started working I weaned myself down to 2 a day. It really keeps me regular and does not cause gas. And the good thing is that after chewing up 2 tablets, I am full for a while. Hope that helps! Michelle :) -127
   — Michelle_S

November 18, 2004
My surgery was 11/4 and like you I had diareah for the first few days that I was home and then nothing for two days. I didn't worry about it since I am not taking in that much food or fiber. It finally came on its own and was normal (no diareah or constipation). Hope this helps.
   — tdickson

November 20, 2004
I have read all these other answers that you recieved and to my amazement NO ONE has mentioned Garlic. Take it everyday and I gaurantee that you willhave no problems. Jenniffer
   — Jonesin

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