Could this Prevent me from having WLS?

I had an upper endoscopy yesterday and they found inflammation in my esophagus and my stomach. They also found polyp(s) in my stomach. They took a biopsy of the polyp(s) and of my esophagus. They put me on Protonix for the next 8 weeks. I have to have the procedure repeated again in 8 weeks. Could this end up preventing me from having the surgery? I mean, if the inflammation doesn't go down and the polyp(S) don't go away is this a complication that could very well get me denied to have the surgery?    — mzb2u (posted on January 22, 2005)

January 22, 2005
Hello -- I had an EGD and they found some irritation in my tummy. Dr. G put me on Nexium and it cleared it up -- I didn't even realize I had any problems. He stated it was mild. I also had three polyps removed -- all benign. He wasn't concerned about it even before the results. He stated it is very common -- they are like skin tags in the tummy. At this point, don't be too alarmed -- I realize everyone is different, yes it might be something, but at this point, just remain positive until the results are in. If you need a sounding board, please feel free to email me. Also -- please let me know what the results are! Best of luck -- Lisa -- 11/3/03 -- minus 140 pounds -- below goal!!
   — LisaL.

January 22, 2005
My sister had inflammation in her esophagus and such from severe reflux and the meds they put her on took care of it. She was able to have the surgery. They just have to be sure you have no cancers or ulcers in your tummy, esophagus area before them make it impossible to get to with surgery. Take your meds and I bet everything will come out great.
   — FaithMills

January 23, 2005
Hi, my RNY had to be changed to a lap band 5 days before my surgerry after my repeat endoscopy revealed i had 3 stomach polyps and barretts esophagettis. i was started on nexium twice a day however i could not have the RNY as they need to access the area and reevaluate the polyps every 3-4 month. with the lapband im down 70lbs in 5 1/2 months. im very glad i was able to do this and im very happy with my success.All the Best! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

January 24, 2005
Sheila, I was taking diagnosed w/Barrett's and taking 40mg of Protonix twice a day. It helped a great deal. At the time I was considering WLS, so I asked my gastroenterologist what he thought. He told me that a gastric bypass would definately help my situation. It didn't prevent my procedure, and he was right. No more Barrett's and no more Protonix. Good luck. Angela (252/155/135)
   — Angela T.

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