Need Revision due to ulcer not getting enough blood flow. HELP??

I went to have my hole in my pouch corrected endoscopically and the DR. saw that I had an ulcer due to lack of blood flow to that area. I have only gained a few pounds. He recommends a Revision to restore better blood flow to that area. I am 30 years old, epileptic, anemic and feel like an old woman. I am going to go for the revision (2001), not transected. I have heard that a revision is a very risky surgery. I am terrified. Has anyone gone thru this in the Boston area??? Any information will be helpful. Thank you.    — Donna B. (posted on March 16, 2005)

March 17, 2005
Hi Donna, I'm not from the Boston area, but have gone through the same situation your faced with. I had my RNY 5/16/2001 and was not transected. I had stomach pain and nausea continuously 3 yrs after my RNY. When I saw my doc I was in tears, he told me to see a dietician and psychiatrist, I asked why and he said I was depressed, little did he know that in addition to my stomach problems my father had just passed away. When I returned home from my doc visit I was furious with his diagnosis, I e-mailed his office and told them I would be happy to see a dietician and psychiatrist if they would rule out any other reasons for my stomach complications. I insisted they do an upper GI series and EGD, my phone rang and the tests were scheduled. Low & behold oh my gosh what did they find? my staple line had erupted and my stomach acids were pouring into my pouch causing multiple ulcers. Last year I had the revision done, the doc restapled my stomach & pouch then transected both of them from one another. The surgery went very well, there wasn't anymore risk than there was from having the first RNY, any surgery is risky. After my surgery I told my doc how I felt that day he diagnosed me and said no ones knows their body better than the person who lives in it and to listen to what his patients have to say before jumping to conclusions. After my experience my doc transects all his patients now. Donna, I could have died from not having the surgery, I'm sure you'll make the right decision. My prayers are with you.
   — Barbara M.

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