
What if you were denied coverage, for whatever reason, and you appeal during the time you are covered to get wls, and then the policy renews, and you didnt get your appeal answer. Finally they answer and they are in your favor, and they approve the surgery. Your policy renewed this month, and wls is no longer covered. Are you still approved, since you started while you were covered, or will you just be out of luck?    — bawana (posted on June 11, 2005)

June 10, 2005
Call your insurance Company. My insurance was actually changing 6 weeks after they approved me and they told me that I had until April 30th to have the surgery. Just check with them because I am sure you and your surgeon will get something in writing about the surgery being preauthorized. Good Luck Denise
   — dlryanoates

June 11, 2005
only your insurance company can answer your question. sorry but best of luck whatever you choose to do. i am almost three months post op after appealing the denial from my insurance company and losing slowly.
   — LindaKM

June 11, 2005
I was told by Aetna that if it was covered when they approved it, you will be covered. Fight it - no matter what. Diana
   — dmcwilliam

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