Sweet Monster attack 2+ years post-op HELP.

The sweets monster has attacked 2+ years post-op. Any suggestion on how to rid myself of this? I had the sweet monster before. I never dumped, but had trouble with sweets (I was happy), but now it is back with a vengeance. I have lost 140 pounds and have kept it off, but there are days when I seem to eat nothing but (hard candy only). What's up with that? This is my first post, so I am not sure I have done this right. Missy 6/26/03 268/128    — Missy H. (posted on August 7, 2005)

August 7, 2005
2 things. Where is your iron level? And I'm thinking you probably need to go to the Grad list and talk to others who have hit the 2 year wall. Here's the link: [email protected]
   — vitalady

August 7, 2005
Hi Missy, First it could be a sign of dehydration as well. Are you drinking enough water. Also switch to Sugar Free Hard Candy, you still get the satisfaction of eating candy just doesn't have the high sugar content. During the summer months we should be drinking at least 80 oz. of water as well as other drinks too! If you live in an area that has humidity you shold even be drinking more than that. Good luck & switch to the SF Candy it works. Also trying to cut back on the Carbs that tends to bring the Sweet thing back too! Marilyn, the Bearlady 3/15/04 down 140 lbs
   — Marilyn C.

August 8, 2005
I have the same problem. Heck I quit drinking most diet pop and coffee... and mostly drink water with Real Lemon and artifical sugar. Now that I'm drinking more healthy I'm craving sweets so bad that I'm frightened I'll put my weight back on. So between the sugar and the carbs I crave.... well hope someone has some ideas. We both need help. ;) I did'nt lose 170 lbs to put it back on again.
   — Danmark

August 8, 2005
Missy: I think a lot of people have this issue. I think it is a combination of things. I think that hydration plays a part in how much we eat at this phase, and also it is a matter of choice. WLS is a huge mind game, and we are so used to losing that battle, I think it takes more than a few years to win the mind game against food. We are little now, many of us, and we still try and creep back up, even though we vow not to do that and it is not the desire of our heart. Work on your water, that is my goal, to get more fluids, as I have had a miserable time this summer keeping up with them, forget about the 80oz thing, I have trouble getting 32 oz of water in right now. So I have a long way to go on water, but the battle is one day at a time. Know that you will have to choose what you eat, sweet or not, you will have to decide to walk away or to partake, and then what you will do to compensate for that decision, exercise or water, etc. We will never escape the decision making process. The tool has provided time and benefit to keep off the weight, but the choice has always been yours. Keep fighting the head game, you cetainly can win. I know I can, for the first time in my life win this battle, but make no mistake, it is a battle and it is a battle to be won. Take care, Patty
   — Patricia P

August 10, 2005
I'm only 1 year post-op, but I couldn't bear the taste of sweets other than fruit (which I've been eating since I was 8 months out)until after my 1 year visit when they told me I could start adding startch carbs back into my diet. EG potatoes and rice. Then the Chocolate Monster hit me with a vengence. (Mind you I didn't have a chocolate prob prior to surgery, it was the potaoes and rice I gobbled..and ice cream) but I'm severly latose intolerant now. What time of day are your cravings? And how do you physicaly feel after ingesting the sweets? The answers to those 2 questions may help determine the underlying cause/s Velvet 7/9/04 330/165
   — Fairysister

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