Anyone use Hemax prescription iron supplement?

Lab Tests show I have a ferritin level of 2 and a hemaglobin level of 9.1. The doc wants me to go in on Monday for an iron infusion, which I will do. However, I am concerned about keeping my levels up longterm. He wants to prescribe Hemax which contains 150mg iron as carbonyl iron and vitamin C as well as a bunch of B vitamines I can't absorb orally anyway. Problem is its exteneded release. I know sometimes it works anyway. Has anyone used this product with any success? Thanks .    — Jennifer R. (posted on October 14, 2005)

October 15, 2005
It iss my understanding that we are not supposed to take time-released medication.
   — Novashannon

October 16, 2005
I had very low iron after my surgery and did very well taking a liquid iron supplement I purchased from My doctor had me take 4 x the normal supplement dose until my iron level was up to where it was pre-surgery. Check with your doctor though on how many mg you should be taking a day before you exceed the recommended dose on the packaging.
   — Kim 6.

October 17, 2005
Hi there. I had very low Iron, I became anemica after surgery until it worsened to aboutthe same level as you actually abit lower, I was 8 something! Umm, I had the Iron infusion in Jan 05 after being montored on the pill supplements for a month with no improvement. The hematologist diagnosed me as not abosrbing the pill iron. My levels ahve been through the roof since the infusion, actuall alomst aboe normal. I have had too check ups since then but no need for another infusion so far, I get checked again in 6 months. WE cannot take time release meds, or NSAIDS, ibuprofin, and so on.I take sublingual B!@ from puritans pride, a prenatal vitamin, and isopure low car sugar dutch chocolate. all of which can be searched on the web. THe prenatals are prescribed, but you do not need a prescription to take these, they cost about $8 to $10 a month. Vit c i take currently, from the dollar store in a chew up tablet. THe isopure I found on the web in a 7.5 lb bucket! for $55!!!
   — Jenny_B

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