Taking Prozac (20 mg) daily for weight loss; however...?

It's been 2 weeks since I've been on it and I haven't noticed a difference in my eating pattern, my relationship with food or any weight loss. I do, however notice that I am QUITE EDGY and IRRITATED. Has anyone ever experienced this?    — Peri B. (posted on October 6, 1999)

October 6, 1999
I was also given Prozac about two years ago to help with weight loss. I was excited as a friend of mine lost 50 pounds taking it. She said she felt no hunger at all on it and her moods were so much better. Well, I never had the same effect. Not only did I NOT lose weight on it, I became very nasty. My husband couldn't believe the difference in my personality. Needless to say, that was the last of the Prozac for me. There are other "sister" drugs to Prozac. This last year I've developed fibromyalgia and was in severe pain. One of the drugs they gave me to raise my pain tolerance is Zoloft, which I believe is similar. This does not cause me to get nasty or mean like the Prozac did, it does mellow me a bit in the bargain, but I still never lost any weight on it. Have you called the doctor who prescribed it to you? He/she needs to know how it is affecting you and may have some other advice for you or another method you could try. Good Luck!
   — Carla I.

October 6, 1999
Hi Peri, I replied before to you on this subject, was it only 2 weeks ago??!! Anyway, if I,m not mistaken, prozac usually takes up to six weeks to adjust to your body. So keep your fingers crossed! You should be able to get a quick answer by looking in a P.D.R. or calling your pharmacy,Good Luck. P.S. Am very familiar with the irratated and edgy feeling, and I think it has a lot to do with my children! KIDDING! (sort of) Take Care, Cathy Howard
   — cathy H.

October 6, 1999
There are two spectrums of anti depression drugs. Prozac in on one end and on the other are drugs like Buzpar(sp) I think. I know that Buzpar made me edgy and Prozac made me better however it did not help me loose weight. It isn't a weight lose drug.
   — [Anonymous]

October 6, 1999
I've been taking Prozac for about 4 yrs. and I haven't lost any weight, I've gained some. I take 60mg a day. My husband thought I was going crazy the first couple of weeks but the longer I was on it the more normal I got. Just try to stick it out for at least 6 weeks and if you're still feeling bad call your doctor.
   — Lee Anne C.

October 6, 1999
hi peri, I was on prozac for a year. and it is a medication that takes up to 4-6 weeks or longer to begin to work my stats are 5'11, 250 and at about 2 months I was crying alot.. I believe it kinda stimulates your emotions so I know that the crying was normal.. anyway I lost 11 pounds but that was it. then I started gaining with it. I wish you success.. I know it did help ease my depression somewhat.. [email protected]
   — Denise T.

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