Very disappointed that surgery has to be postponed.....

I just found out that my surgery which was originally scheduled for 1/7/2000 has been postponed. The dr has a family emergency and had to go out of the country. I am so disappointed, even more so because I asked his nurse when I can reschedule for and she said she doesn't know!!!!It could be weeks or even a month or two. I know it's not the doc's fault, but I've rearranged my whole life in anticipation of surgery and recovery time. This change impacts every aspect of my life (especially my job). I've put so much into having this surgery that I feel so depressed, like it's never going to happen now. I don't want to switch surgeons, since I already have all of the paperwork done (insurance, disability, etc.). Has anyone ever experienced this as well???? Thanks. Pat 5'1" 253 Open proximal rny scheduled for ??/??/2000    — prissb (posted on December 27, 1999)

December 27, 1999
Hi Pat, sorry to hear the news. Where was you surgery scheduled? What kind? Is your Doctor in association with other Bariactric surgeons, that perhaps one could replace him? I know at BTC they have several. Just a thought havn't been there yet either. Carin
   — C S.

December 27, 1999
I am sorry that your surgery has to be postponed. I was scheduled to have my surgery (LAP RNY) on 12/20/99, and at the very last minute, in the OR it was cancelled, due to my liver levels, the anesthesiologist decided that I should have more tests before the surgery, which is very upsetting, and let me tell you - It would have been alot easier if it were postponed beforehand, not in the OR. I hope that you get your surgery date very soon, I am hoping to have mine soon as well. Good Luck!
   — Chani B.

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