Is WLS ever performed on anyone with heart problems?

My brother is just 40 years old and has had two heart attacks and a triple bypass, he is also morbidly obese. I would like to know if WLS is even an option for him. He's diabetic also. I fear if he doesn't do something drastic soon he won't be with us much longer. I get the feeling he is giving up on life and would like to find a way to give him some hope.    — Debbie M. (posted on February 22, 2000)

August 4, 2001
I have a pacemaker and a condition called cardiologist has given me the ok now i have to wait see what surgeon says but yes, i wish more DRs on this site would inform us about this surgery....ITS A NEED TO KNOW jacki
   — Jackiis

February 28, 2002
Yes! There's a story of a man with heart problems that I found interesting and inspiring. You can read it at
   — Sonya T.

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