Normal pre-op jitters?

Hi all. I'm having my surgery in a couple of weeks and I find myself thinking that I'm going to die. Maybe not so much during the surgery, but afterwards. Is this normal? Or am I going crazy? I'm trying to be positive and thinking only good things. But this "me dying thing" keeps creeping back into my mind. HELP!!!!! Any suggestions or tips would be most appreciative!!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 21, 2000)

May 21, 2000
You are normal believe me!!!. If you didn't worry,then I'd worry about you. You are facing that you are going to make a huge life change. Most of us who choose this it's are last choice to live. You are taking control. You will be o.k. Do you have support? You have to get to the point where you have done all that you can and now the rest is in Gods hands. You don't want to keep living like you are. I hope this helps. ~.~
   — Theresa B.

May 21, 2000
I had jitters right up until I went into the operating room. I was so afraid that I wasnt going to wake up from the anesthesia but I did and here I am!!! You will be fine ;o)
   — Laurie B.

May 21, 2000
Hi, I must tell you that I am 6 1/2 weeks post-op and that for a month prior I was scare to death. Even the morning of surgery I was worried. The Anthesthialogist (spelling not sure) told me that antehesia had change so muchand that they could monitor everything without having the problems they did years ago. I was schedule for 2 hours surgery and was there for 5 1/2. It was harder on my family. Talk with your anthesialogist before surgery about your concerns. You'll do fine.
   — ann A.

May 22, 2000
Hi Sweetie, yes you are normal. If you look back to last week's posting I wrote the same thing you did. Of course I did a dumb thing to myself and read the memorials page....dont do it!! I feel fine now. Everyone rallied around me and sent me wonderful encouragments and prayers. I am sending my prayers and encouragements to you. Think of me tomorrow (5/23) at 9am. I will have my surgery then. And my new life starts. Best to you Valerie
   — Valerie B.

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