Has anyone had to have 24 hour PH and motility study?

I am scheduled for a PH and motility study. I was wondering if this is because I have a hiatal hernia or is this just a common test because of it involving stomach acids. If you had it done could you let me know what it was like. I know they will put a tube down my nose and I have to leave it in for 24hr. But I gag at the slightest thing and don't want to throw up all day.    — Cathi B. (posted on September 5, 2000)

September 6, 2000
I had a similar test. At first the tube in your nose is a major irritant, however, you get to where it is tolerable. The worst problem I had for the 36 hours it was in - my nose ran and dripped constantly. It was so bad I was taping gauze under my nose. But, it was a temporary thing and I survived. I did gag a bit when they put the tube in, but they tell you when to swallow, breathe, etc. I did not throw up once and I have a really strong gag relex. I was able to eat a fairly normal diet, although I did drink more than usual. You will do just fine, get a good book to read and a box of tissues and you will be fine.
   — D W.

September 7, 2000
I have had this test.. not for gastric bypass surgery..but to diagnose gerd.. the test is not bad.. the tube is smaller than a reg NG tube and once in place.. the test will be over before it gets too be too big a nuisance.. get a box of tissues and a good book.. and best of luck!!!!
   — Gina Landers

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