Eric... I would like to be able to "Preview" my message before I "Post" it.

Eric-- thanks for everything you and your Volunteers do to improve this site! I would like to make a suggestion though... I would like to be able to <b>Preview</b> my message before I <b>Post</b> it. This would be enormously helpful & might even eliminate all the multiple posts we see... Thanks again...    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on October 26, 2000)

October 26, 2000
Excellent suggestion...maybe it will also cut down on some of those words I try so hard to spell correctly and can't cause I get so excited...
   — Courtrina Amur W.

October 27, 2000
Ava...Obviously I can see the words I wrote...I was concerned with the HTML coding... it's a technical thing..
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 27, 2000
Ava.. Thanks for your two GREAT suggestions! You are so suppportive and helpful, hon! ((hugs)) love,
   — [Deactivated Member]

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