Why am I not losing very fast?

I am almost 4 weeks post op and have only lost a total of 18 pounds. I am kind of discouraged about this when I see other people losing upwards of 20 to 40 pounds in their first 4 weeks. I'm eating correctly, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I hate to think I went through this surgery to lose the weight this slow. Any suggestions to speed up the weight loss? Thanks in advance.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 9, 2001)

January 9, 2001
Don't let others weight loss get you discouraged. Everyone loses at a different rate. I know you have heard this before, but it is true. I have gone through the same feelings when I read about others. Just be sure you are not overeating, and that you make getting in your water your major goal. Exercise and remember, you have lost 18 pounds already!! Hang in there and try to be patient. When you go for your next follow-up visit ask your surgeon if you are where your supposed to be. Cindy
   — Cindy S.

January 10, 2001
stay off the scale as hard as this is * DO It* you are hitting early platues 18 lbs in 4 weeks isnt anything to sneeze at if you lose another 18 in the next 4 weeks thats 36 and WOW thats a good loss I have lost # 43 in 10 weeks hit numerous platues but notice inces falling off of me even when the scale stands still Quit worrying this surgery does work give it time Drink alot of water Are you snacking on wasted calories ??? Kathy
   — Kathleen M.

January 10, 2001
Thank You for posting this question, I am 6 weeks post op and havent loss any weight for the last 2 weeks, I thought I was doing something wrong, I lost 30 pounds in the first 4 weeks. But I do know this I can not eat like before so the weight has to come off. i agree about the scales I am not gonna weigh for a month, but then I cant update my profile. Again Thanks to All!!!
   — Tamaria W.

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