I have 2 collapsed discs... unable to even have back surgery due to my weight....

I have to loose 100 lbs. before surgery will even be considered..and possible the loss of weight will deter the decision of surgery and altogether NOT have to have back surgery.... I have Alabama BCBS and a letter from my ortho doc stating this and the need for my surgery... any info would be appreciated..    — Patsy B. (posted on June 3, 2002)

June 3, 2002
i can understand where you're coming from, i was in a car accident, and i needed a hip implant, at 425#'s, my surgeon told me he couldn't operate. i'd be wide open for infection, blood clots,i had high blood pressure he feared heart failure.. he told me to lose 100#'s. well i could hardly walk, i felt trapped, he brought up the w.l.s., i had an open r,n,y, 11-2-01, by 2-16-02 i had lost 100#'s, he was pleased,, i had my hip operation 2-19-02,,after re-hab my new hip is pain free, and a bonus, i've lost 170#'s in 7 months!! i not only have a new pain free life, i have a new life free of obesity,,i understand and feel for you, knowing you'll need 2 surgeries,, i had 2 also.. but both were life changing,, and keep your chin up and you have better days ahead.. i sailed through my operation down 100#'s,, i may not be here if i had not had my w.l.s. the operation alone may have killed me at 425#'s,,good luck and god bless p.s. i'm off all meds now,and i have a normal blood pressure,,and i returned to my job after 9 months, on june the first,,,
   — bruce M.

June 3, 2002
I had back surgery in '91 on L5-S1 from a ruptured disc. Again 2 years ago, I had herniated a disc, L4-L5. The ortho surgeon told me my back was a 'red flag' and if they operated that the problems would just continue up the back. I was in chronic pain and HAD to do something. I started researching WLS. I am close to 7 months post op and *PAIN FREE*. Is it still herniated? I don't know, I just know that I can bend over to pick something off the floor without major pain, or walk without pain (even started running), and I can stand to cook dinner, do dishes without having to sit for a 'back break'. My results have been more than what I expected. I feel like I have my life back and I'm FREE! I hope your journey takes you to where you want to go too!
   — Cheri M.

June 3, 2002
I had a spinal fusion of L5-S1 in May of 1998 at the weight of 270lbs. This back surgery resulted in a deep wound staph infection which required 4 debraidment surgeries and 6 weeks of IV antibotics. About a year ago I began to have trouble with L4-L5. I had my open RNY 4 weeks ago. I've only lost 25 lbs so far but can already see moderate improvement in my back pain. I started walking 2 weeks before my WLS I could walk 1/4 mile ok but was in severe pain the 1/4 mile back home. I can now walk about a mile with no back trouble. When I sent in my insurance papers for approval the only weight related problems I had were othropedic (my back and arthritis in my foot from a car accident). My PCP literally just wrote on a script pad "I recommend WLS surgery for this patient due to severe orthopedic problems" and I was approved. I think it may be possible for me to avoid further back surgery once I reach a "normal" weight. Good luck to you in your decision.
   — Kelly S.

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