Do you have to stop taking Paxil before RNY surgery?

How long before would I have to stop taking meds.? Thanks    — Michele :. (posted on March 2, 2001)

March 10, 2001
Hi Michele~ I was told by my surgeons office that I would be without my Paxil the day of surgery, and the day after surgery. If all goes well on day 2 post-op with my leak test, I get to start on liquid Paxil that day! Good Luck!
   — Laurie L.

March 13, 2001
I take effexor XR and I had to wean off (takes 2 weeks) because they said it will interfere with the anesthesia and I can't go back on until 2-3 weeks post op
   — xx X.

March 13, 2001
I missed two doses of my Effexor XR. One dose was the morning of the surgery, and one was the next morning's. Adter that, I was immediately started back on my med's. It can be rough to miss a dose of a med like Effexor. But every doctor is different. Donna in AL
   — Donna S. C.

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