HELP! What if my upper gi shows leak in staple line, but endoscopy doesn't?

Hi Everyone! I am freaking out! I had an upper gi two weeks ago and the report showed I had GERD and a leak in my staple line (had a VBG in 1997 and need a revision, vomit almost daily). Today, I had my endoscopy and the gastroenterologist told my mom that he saw no leak, but that it may be on the other side, etc and that I might need further testing. The problem: I don't want anymore testing! If the leak showed on the upper gi, doesn't that mean it is there? I mean, when you have an upper gi they make you drink barium and stuff which I think would be more effective at showing a leak. During the endoscopy, you have nothing in your stomach, how would a leak show? If you fill a balloon with a tiny hole with water, doesn't it show that there is a leak, but with no water, you wouldn't know there was a leak. Am I wrong? Has anyone else had this problem or know anything about this. I'm scared they'll say I don't have a leak based on this and I won't get my revision. Is my idea about the leak and the two tests wrong? Does anyone know exactly why they do the endoscopy, maybe it's to see something else? Please help, I'm very nervous! Thanks!    — Michele :. (posted on March 12, 2001)

March 13, 2001
It sure makes sense to me that if a leak showed up with the barium on the upper GI, then you have a leak. I hope it all works out for you Michelle
   — Cindy H.

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