What can you do if a hospital can't find your medical records?

I had a VBG in 1997 with many complications and a possible reaction to a medication. I need these records to show my surgeon because I'm trying to get a revision to an RNY. One surgery didn't want to operate on me when I told him that I had a blockage, my intestines ruptured, and I became septic following my first surgery. This required emergency surgery to clean me inside and repair the damage. Well, this surgeon said my insides would be all "stuck" together and that another operation would be very difficult. So, I'm going to see someone who might have experience with this. From what I've read, it's not necessarily so that I am all stuck together inside. They just don't know until they operate. Anyway, I've been trying to get the records so the surgeon can see what actually happened and they said they couldn't find them. Is there anything I can do? If anyone has any advice on anything in this post, please let me know! I value the advice I've gotten on this site. Thanks    — Michele :. (posted on March 21, 2001)

March 21, 2001
This sounds like a job for a lawyer. Have your lawyer contact the hospital. I bet they will find your medical records then. Be careful because if there is a problem they may try and redo the records to show that nothing was wrong. Good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

March 21, 2001
What about also checking with the surgeon from '97. Ask for the operative notes. He should have everything in your file. Best wishes, Linda Mickel
   — Linda M.

March 24, 2001
Thanks for the advice! After constant prodding from me, by e-mail and phone, to the director of something, they found my records. I had them in time for my consult. Thanks!
   — Michele :.

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