What keeps the body from going below a healthy weight?

   — Brenda S. (posted on April 13, 2001)

April 13, 2001
I am 19 months postop, 5'8" tall and 128 pounds. I started out at 260 and planned to lose 110 pounds. I blew right past that goal and kept on going. Finally my surgeon had me add 100 calories a day for a week. I kept losing. Then another 100. Kept losing. That went on for 5 weeks until I finally stabilized at 1500 calories a day. So that is where I stay, and I have been stable for 6 months at this weight. I do have to be careful with exercise -- if I work out, I eat a bit more that day (1 extra protein shake, usually) so I don't use up more calories than I take in. Both my BMI and my body fat percentage are now at 19, which is pretty much minimum for a 51-year-old old lady! I do have very small bones, which was a surprise to me. I always told people I was "big boned" but it ain't so! Which is why the extra weight was so hard on me, I guess. Too small a frame for all that fat -- my knees were horrible. No more pain now though! hugs, Ann
   — [Deactivated Member]

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