What is the easiest & most comfortable way to shave legs right after surgery?

I would imagine the first few weeks following surgery, it would be difficult bending over to shave. Has anyone tried Nads, Epil-Stop, Waxing before surgery? Thanks for your responce.    — S. K. (posted on June 16, 2001)

June 16, 2001
NADS left tiny (capillary) bruises on my legs for weeks! This stuff is really messy, hurts and doesn't remove all the hair. I wouldn't recommend it if you have delicate skin. Anyhow, I had my surgery last summer and sat on the edge of the tub with the water running to shave my legs. That way, I could prop my leg up on the other side of the tub. It wasn't easy, but I done did it! Good luck to you!
   — Allie B.

June 16, 2001
Tried them all (I have probably tried everything on the market). I did not find any of those methods kept the hair off any longer than shaving. I think if you have used the waxing type methods for many months, the hair regrowth is slower, but no significant benefit if you have it done right before surgery. My approach was just to not shave my legs for 3 weeks after surgery. - Kate -
   — kateseidel

June 16, 2001
I would just buy some nair.
   — [Anonymous]

June 16, 2001
I tell you what, I attended to someone after surgery, and your best bet will be not to worry about the legs. Especially if you're planning on having open surgery. After about three weeks she was ok and could shave her own legs. You'll have a lot of other aches and pains on your mind, and if you want to feel better, most would probably tell you to make sure you do your make up =)
   — Elizabeth D.

June 16, 2001
I would by a couple on floor length caftans and not worry about my legs!:)
   — Diane Z.

June 16, 2001
I was able to shave in the shower about a week after my Lap RNY. It was easier for me to stand and put my foot on the side of the tub to shave. But I agree with the previous posts, it's not something that you will really care too much about.
   — Melissa A.

June 16, 2001
I sat on top of the toliet seat and got NAIR with ALOE and the kind that didnt smell loud, but you can smell little, and followed directions. I did one leg at a time, apply,wait about 5-7 minutes and sit along side tub and take wet bathcloth and wipe gently and it comes off easy!! and rinsed the rest off!! I was 4 weeks post op from Open RNY and tummy was sore but take your time...
   — [Anonymous]

November 20, 2001
That's as the natives do an DON'T!!!!! You will have no problem finding other things to worry about after surgery, I promise, and how sexy or silky you look will be the furthest thing from your mind.
   — [Anonymous]

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