Can you highlight or dye your hair

a week before surgery?    — Kathy B. (posted on June 28, 2001)

June 28, 2001
I have been a beauty operator for 11 years and have never understood why people ask this. As long as it is on the outside of your body why would it hurt you? The only thing I would know of that might be a problem would be with the odors that come with chemical services. Other than that, Go for it or ask your doctor. I personally will never be a burnette again!
   — sindee E.

June 28, 2001
I had my hair colored 1 week before sugery. Now I am 5 weeks post op and just got it done again. Nothing is happening to me. I also have been on just liquids for the 5 weeks post op. So far so good for me. Also I had my hair dresser do it I didn't just buy it at a drug store and do it myself she puts hair conditioner on my hair too. I also put egg whites and mayo (or just mayo) in my hair and keep it in there for around 2-4 hours with a shower cap on my head. Smells yucky but nice for the hair. I love what it does for the hair. Hope this helps you.
   — IsLosing B.

June 29, 2001
I'm 4 months post-op and I've dyed my own hair twice since surgery. No problems at all.
   — Meredith A.

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