Is there a prepared list of questions I can choose from for my surgical consult?

I see my surgeon for the first time on August 16, 2001. I know I must have many questions in my head but when I attempt to compile a list, I draw a blank. Does anyone have ideas for good questions or is there a sample list printed somewhere on this site? Thanks so much.    — Donna L. (posted on July 4, 2001)

July 4, 2001
I have a list, too, if you email me privately.
   — vitalady

July 4, 2001
There are 3 real good books from about WLS.They have lots of info. including the list that you are asking about.I have read WLS by Michelle Boasten,WlS by Barbara Thompson,and Fat No More.I would say that the fist two are the best.They also have hospital list insuance letters and much much more.I would recomend anyone considerning WLS to read at least one of them:) Hope this helps Wendy
   — Wendy M.

January 2, 2003
Hola, I have about '70 Questions' prepared 4 my Doctor!!! I've done a lot of research, plus I bought an EXCELLENT BOOK, which has everything from: {Benefits & Risks, Selecting your Surgeon, Dealing with your Insurer, Financing your Surgery, Pre-Surgery Preparation, Pre-Surgery Check List, Post-Op Living, Life After Surgery & SO MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE!!!} This BOOK, has been my greatest source of Information, Inspiration, Education & Salvation ;) it truly is a "2nd BIBLE". I HIGHLY recommend it 2 anyone considering any Weight Loss Surgery! I think it should B MANDATORY 4 "EVERY" Doctor 2 have this book. E-mail me at [email protected] & I can send U the Consultation Questions & whatever else I may B able 2 help U with! Best of Luck 2 everyone!!! Happy New Year 2 ALL!!! Johanna
   — Johanna H.

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