ANY transected pouches ever require revision?

I have been noticing a lot of references to revisions and the transecting/stapling controversy lately. I was just wondering if anyone has ever known ANYONE who required a revision after a transected RNY? If so, what do they do? My first thought is they must make the pouch small again? I am 6 months post op and it seems like my appetitie switch has been turned on. A little worried about stretching my pouch. And then was wondering if I did, what could be done to fix it? Anything? Or is it even possible to require a revision (regain weight)with a transected pouch? Just curious...    — Shelley. (posted on July 9, 2001)

July 11, 2001
I posted this question a few days ago and didn't get any responses. I had my 6 month checkup (-104!) with my surgeon today and so I asked him. He said that of the 1000 surgeries (transected RNY) that he has done, he has had to revise 4 or 5 that have regained some of their weight. He said there are three things that he could do in a revision. First he said that he could make the pouch smaller. Second, he could tighten the stoma, and lastly he could shorten the Roux limb. Although, I plan to NEVER need this done, it did help to get my curiosity settled. I thought that I would pass what I found out in answering my own question. I still would love to hear personal experiences (or of your acquaintances). Thanks!Shelley
   — Shelley.

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