Calling all Dr. Boe Patients!

Can someone please give me some information on pre-op testing requested by Dr. Boe with BTC. Especially Bowel Preps!    — Tomaro P. (posted on July 16, 2001)

July 17, 2001
The pre-ops at BTC are the same for all the surgeons. Ultra sound of the gall bladder if you still have one, chest x-ray, ekg, pulmonary function test(breath out hard into a tube), blood work, urinalysis. You will also meet with a dietician and a nurse.The respiratory therapist will give you an incentive spirometer to take home with you to practice on. Bring it back when you have surgery. Also, a brief exam by a doctor.Not your surgeon. I can't remember his name but he is wonderful! Clear liquids starting at noon the day before surgery and then nothing at all after midight. No bowel prep necessary. But I would make sure I had a good bowel movement before surgery.
   — Vickie C.

July 17, 2001
The doctor's name is Dr. Hess. I had no bowel preps. They take blood and do a blood gases test also you will meet with a nutritionist. I had Dr. Schlesinger at BTC an associate of Dr. Boe.
   — Sandra R.

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