How can you lose 12 lbs in one week and gain in back in 5 days?

Last Monday I weighed 213, then on Friday when I weighed I was down to 205. When I weighed again on Sunday I was down to 201. I was so happy because I had never lost that much weight in one week. However when I weighed again on Thursday I was back to 212. How could this be? I've been known to retain a few pounds of water but never 12 lbs worth. What should I do? I have been so depressed about it.    — Bonnie L. (posted on August 6, 2001)

August 6, 2001
Maybe your scale isn't working right, try getting a new one. I like the AccuWeight doctors digital scale, at Kmart for around $40.
   — Melissa B.

August 6, 2001
I agree, maybe it's your scale. Can you get to your surgeon's or primary doctor's office just to weigh yourself and get an accurate weight? Also be careful there. Friday I went to my primary doctor and his scale said I weighed about 6 lbs less than I thought. I said something to the nurse and she checked the scale and said oops - it had to be balanced. We went into another room and that scale was more accurate. Even doctor's scales aren't perfect sometimes. Try to remember, you've having great overall weight loss and success. You're losing weight and will most likely keep it off for the first time in your life. The big picture is what matters. Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged.
   — [Anonymous]

August 6, 2001
It sounds like you're weighing yourself pretty often, do it weekly. Also, check your measurements. Your measurements may keep going down while your weight varies. Your size is more important than your "number." Good Luck!
   — [Anonymous]

August 6, 2001
are you weighing yourself the same time of day? I only weigh myself first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom, and before having anything to eat or drink. Don't get hung up on what the scale says, focus more on measurements.
   — [Anonymous]

August 6, 2001
I let the scale dictate my mood for many, many I know how depressing it is to see it go up. After wls, to save my sanity I had to just quit weighing. I am a slow loser and tend to plateau, so it was almost always bad news when I got on the scale. I just stopped weighing (cold turkey) and began only weighing myself at the doctor, or when I had dropped a significant number of dress sizes. The other day I was feeling particularly skinny, so I weighed myself, and sure enough, two pounds down. I guess what I am trying to say is that I only weigh myself when I know I am going to like what it says. It works for me.
   — Anne G.

August 6, 2001
Scales can be our worst enemy. I weigh about once a week, sometimes more. I thought I was down to 193, but now it's looking more like 198. What happened? Who knows. The bigger question is what else are you doing? Getting your water, protein, exercise? Those are the things you can DO to promote the best weight loss. If you're doing those things, you're doing your best. If you aren't, then they will help the scale move in the right direction. Worrying about the numbers doesn't help you lose. I discourage people around me from focusing on the numbers too. I feel it's the wrong focus. My focus is on the things I can control, those are the behaviours. Personally, I'm slacking on the protein so don't think I'm preaching. Be happy with the loss you've had and work on the things you control, the weight will come off, I promise.
   — kcanges

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