Was wondering - after losing all your excess weight, do you get rid of this horrible cellulite?

cellulite? If plastice surgery is necessary, does that take care of it? Thanks    — Kathy R. (posted on September 1, 2001)

September 1, 2001
Cellulite is a pain, isn't it? Even the scrawny deal with this one. Liposuction can possibly rid of cellulite, but trying to remove fat that's so close to the skin can cause dimpling and depressions (and that doesn't look much better). Honestly, exercise seems to be the best way to get ride of cellulite. It improves circulation to those areas of fat that get left out (the cellulite). And exercising helps improve spider and varicose veins too so that's an added bonus! I think I'd try exercising first (especially resistance training to build muscle in my problem areas) and see how it goes. If all else fails, liposuction is a valid option.
   — [Anonymous]

September 1, 2001
Oddly enough, even though I have lots of lose skin now, my cellulite is gone. I was with a size 4 friend of mine a few weeks back and she was looking at my legs / hips (we were comparing saggy tummy skin.. okay, it was a slow day in the neighborhood! LOL) and she got quiet and then exlaimed.. You don't have ANY cellulite on your legs! It made my day for sure!
   — BethVBG

September 1, 2001
This is weird, and I never gave it a thought until you posted. When I was 278 I KNOW I had cellulite I could see the dimpling and little round beads of fat under my skin. Now I don't have any! Where did it go? I have some saggy skin (not much) for a 50+er at 143 lb. but none of that dimpeling even when I try to grab the skin. I did protein twice to 3x from the start I wonder if that helped? I am curious to see how others answer this. Thanks for posting.
   — Rose A.

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