To eat or not to eat...that is the question!! ROFLMAO

Hello all, I was just wondering if anyone else experiences this... one day I will "love" something like bacon, or cheese, or yogurt...but the next time I try it, the smell alone makes me sick!! I am 5 weeks out and have not had any problems as far as eating, swallowing, drinking...everything goes down as it should....but I can even be craving steak, go to the store and buy it, but when I get it home and cooked I can't eat it! What's up with that?? Any words of wisdom? Am I just really strange?? lol...thanks! Love and light,    — medium (posted on December 28, 2002)

December 28, 2002
I go through the same thing and it was worse when i was just a few months out vs being a year out now. but still experiance the same feeling. i dont know what causes us to feel that way but i stake in strike and go with the flow. good luck to you
   — Deanna Wise

December 28, 2002
I call this the pregnant tummy syndrome haha. I had this with both pregnancies and with WLS. I'd crave greasy salty (like fries) and then just smelling them would make my stomach revolt. I crave a salad and one bite and I'm DONE! It has gotten much easier with time (five months post-op) and hear it will continue to get better. Call it a right of passage. :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 28, 2002
Same thing here! I wish I could have just had some "scratch'n'sniff" food stickers so I could have avoided buying groceries for awhile!
   — ediecat

December 28, 2002
I had this problem from about 3-6 weeks out. Now everything seems to be tasting more normal at 8 weeks. Im one of the few that still has an appetite I think. Or maybe it just hasnt left me yet. I dont overeat. Ive learned how to "know" what is enough and I feel satisfied. For some people the stage where things dont taste right lasts longer than it does for others. Good luck to you, this too will pass.
   — Marilayne M.

December 28, 2002
I too went through this, but considered it a blessing. Never in my life had I not wanted food. It was a strange new world for a while. There are some things I still don't want to eat. Keep your chin up, it will get better.
   — tulagirl

December 29, 2002
Susan Whitt has the right idea! (see below) I think I did the same thing for at least the first few months. Something looked or "sounded" appetizing, but once I cooked it or prepared it, I took one bite and put the rest in the refridgerator for another time. I believe this is normal for most of us after WLS. I did have pretty constant nausea for the first 3 months, so finding something to eat that wouldn't make me sick was a challenge. I was quite open to trying ANYTHING, hoping it wouldn't increase or cause the nausea. It DOES get better. I think with our new "infant" pouches, and all the healing going on both with the pouch and the intestines, it's pretty unpredictable what is going to actually taste good, sit well in the pouch, or be digested without problems. The beginning is all a learning experience that we all have to go through. For me, after nearly 8 months, I'm pretty comfortable about what sits well (the nausea went away completely after month 3 post-op), what digests well without later problems in the bathroom, etc. Some days I have unexplained tightness in my esophagus, or something like tomato sauce suddenly burns my pouch. But all in all things come pretty naturally to me now as far as "what to eat". Hang in there! It does get better with time. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 29, 2002
Thank you all so much for your answers.....makes me feel "more at home" to know I am not alone in this!! lol I will just keep "trudging" on and go with the flow.... I think it's time to start writing a book about this little experience!! lol... love and light,
   — medium

December 29, 2002
I am 8 weeks post op and the same way! I will make myself something and be so glad to have left overs cause it was good and the next day the leftovers make me ill and I throw them away. I can't seem to eat the same food 2 days in a row. I am wasting alot of food but better then eating everything just so it is not sitting around. Wendy open RNY 10/29 -50
   — Wendy H.

December 30, 2002
Please forgive me for asking what might be a dumb question, but what in the world does "ROFLMAO" mean? I'm still a relatively new post-op and knowing what this abbreviation means may be able to help me better to answer your question...maybe???
   — yourdivaness

December 30, 2002
Lisa, I had the exact same problem as a new post op. The thing I hate most was wanting to eat something sooooo baddddd then when I got it, I'd take a sniff and stick up my nose. Sure wish I had this problem now so I could lose these last 30 pounds! ;) This was a real problem for 6-9 months. Funny thing is that "occassionally" it still happens for a meal or two. I wish there was a pill to take to make it all happen for several more months. lol
   — Danmark

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