Has anyone ever tried ZetaCap

It's a diet pill that's supposed to do the same type of thing as gastric bypass without the surgery, supposedly it's supposed to make you feel full and stop about 70% if your food intake. I was just wondering if anyone had ever tried or used, and if so, what did you think.? Thanks, Alesha    — Alesha424 (posted on December 8, 2005)

December 8, 2005
no, i have not heard of it but is it prescribed or over the counter?

December 8, 2005
Alesha, I tried it and it did nothing for me. Actually, it made me eat more!! If you are interested in buying some I have 3 bottles in my cupboard. I will give you a great deal!! email me: [email protected] Good Luck!!
   — 2plusme

December 8, 2005
It did drop a couple of ounces from my pocket book. Did not help me lose any weight!!! I give it two thumbs down. Sonya S.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 8, 2005
This is from Zetacap is a product consisting of xanthum gum, Chinese red ginseng root, astragalus root, cayenne fruit, echinacea whole plant, Fo Ti root, golden seal root, guarana seed, panax ginseng root & extract and Siberian ginseng root, that is sold for weight loss. The manufacturers of Zetacap promote their product as being a "gastric bypass", and they state that "you just can't eat". This product is supposed to form a "gel" in your stomach, inducing a feeling of "fullness", and thus making a person not want to eat. Zetacap is not approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), meaning that it is not tested or regulated by the federal government. There are no controlled studies regarding the product's safety and/or efficacy in established medical literature. Some of the herbs found in Zetacap (for example - ginseng) are known to interact with commonly prescribed medications, such as warfarin and nifedipine. High doses of some of the herbs found in Zetacap are known to cause various problems. For example, large doses of goldenseal are known to cause stomach upset, nervous symptoms, depression, convulsions, and paralysis. Goldenseal can block the absorption of B vitamins. Guarana, a source of caffeine, can cause agitation, insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, gastrointestinal irritation, as well as heart effects at higher doses. None of the herbs found in Zetacap should be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Based on the ingredients found in Zetacap, side effects such as stomach upset and nervous symptoms may be common. This product is most likely not the most effective or safest way to lose weight. Kasey 365/210 (nonop)
   — Kasey

December 8, 2005
I'm not sure if this is the one that they reported on the news last week or not. There was something I saw either on 20/20 or the local nightly news about a new pill that mimics a gastric bypass in that you can't eat much at all. Hard core food addicts continue to eat through the stuffed feeling though according to what I read. Worth trying if you can't get the surgery if/when it gets approved. But I understand regain is common after you go off it. Still, I think it would be great for those who don't qualify physically for the surgery....esp those with a lower bmi....
   — Dinka Doo

December 8, 2005
Alesha, I have aslo researched Zetacaps. I asked this same question a few months back. No one had anything positive to say about this product. Basically what zetacaps do is fill your stomach with a type of 'gel' so that you can only eat small amounts of food. What concerned me is that this 'goo' has to pass through the entire digestive track. I was afraid that it might cause a blockage which might require serious surgery to remove it from your system. I will try to locate the responses I received for you if you wish. Send me an email at [email protected] and I will send it to you. God bless you on your WLS journey. Cara B.
   — coG627

December 8, 2005
Well i tried it....became restless, insomnial, and i was constanly eating....the full feeling never came. This was among several pill/quick fixes I've tried, and was sadly disapointed in. Nothing is gonna do what surgery can do, and no one can make that committment but you. Good luck deciding....
   — allyson1211

December 8, 2005
I tried this product and it did nothing from me -- just a couple of months ago I recieved a letter about getting my money back for purchasing this product --because it was mis-advertising -- so I sent the form and I should be recieving a refund -- It didn't work for me not at all ... Nessa J
   — Vlove68

December 8, 2005
My Dad always said... If it sounds too good to be true -- it probably is! Lola
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 9, 2005
I have tried it and at first I thought it was great, about three weeks out it didn't work any more ,also I ordered a bunch off the net to get it cheaper and sold it to other people and it work for them about two to three week but then the effects stopped, don't waste your money
   — momtoall

December 9, 2005
Yes, I bought Zeta Caps, paid alot of money and the only thing they do is make you constipated, they do not curb your appetite in anyway whatsoever! I just had the lapband 7 weeks ago, lost 30 lbs already and fell great. Please stay away from these OTC pills, there really is no miracle pill that will work the same as surgery. Good luck, hope this helped. Diane P
   — noboat4u

December 26, 2005
Don't waste your money. I had WLS but have a relative that could not get it due to lack of finance, so he bought these pills. He came over one day with them, and he and I dissolved one in a small glass of diet soda, and it did not form any gel. He tried them for about a week, and felt nothing, just like he had even if he had never taken the pills. They don't make you feel full, and they don't cause any gel to form in your stomach. Basically it's a scam to jump on the gastric bypass phenom, and sadly get peoples hopes up that can't afford or are scared to get the surgery. This company should be ashamed of themselves.
   — Carey N.

December 26, 2005
I bought the Zetacap and all that it came with was a little flyer about how to become a salesperson for Selmedica. After a month of it not doing a darn thing, I called for my 100% guaranteed refund. The lady gave me a huge hassle and asked me all kinds of stupid questions. Since I ordered six bottles I waited six months and again called to return the product. I had to sign an affidavit that I had tried the product according to the instructions, that I had spoken with my "product coach" and that I had followed the nutritional guidelines that were included with my product. Well clearly no "product coach" information was given, and no "nutritional information" was included. I finally had to have my attorney send them a demand letter for my refund before they finally handed it over. This is a huge scam and I wouldn't get involved with them for the world. Also they tell you on the phone that you have to read the legal disclaimer on thier website in very tiny white letters at the bottom, but when you ask to speak to their corporate counsel, they tell you they don't have one.
   — vstarrme

December 26, 2005
I bought the Zetacap and all that it came with was a little flyer about how to become a salesperson for Selmedica. After a month of it not doing a darn thing, I called for my 100% guaranteed refund. The lady gave me a huge hassle and asked me all kinds of stupid questions. Since I ordered six bottles I waited six months and again called to return the product. I had to sign an affidavit that I had tried the product according to the instructions, that I had spoken with my "product coach" and that I had followed the nutritional guidelines that were included with my product. Well clearly no "product coach" information was given, and no "nutritional information" was included. I finally had to have my attorney send them a demand letter for my refund before they finally handed it over. This is a huge scam and I wouldn't get involved with them for the world. Also they tell you on the phone that you have to read the legal disclaimer on thier website in very tiny white letters at the bottom, but when you ask to speak to their corporate counsel, they tell you they don't have one. Well who wrote their legal disclaimer??? I'm a paralegal and these people are idiots.
   — vstarrme

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