Tomorrow is my surgery date, November 14th. Why am I not excited?

This is what i've worked so hard to get to, I'm so surprised at my emotional numbness about tomorrow...has anyone else felt like this? (My 2 week fast was an emotional rollacoaster, now that its over and its surgery time, im just not feeling anything......wierd?)    — Kathy-R (posted on November 13, 2007)

November 13, 2007
Yes, I felt the same way. I wasn't happy, sad, scared. It was weird. Sometimes we want something so bad when it finally get here we don't know what to do. Best wishes to you! I am 4 years post op. Best thing I ever did!!!
   — Carlyn M.

November 13, 2007
I think it is natural. I was opposite of you. I was super excited the whole time until 3 days before surgery and then started having panic attacks, which I never had before. Thankfully the day of I was calmer. I think when you want something SO badly and are excited about it but have had a long wait when it finally gets here it almost doesn't seem real. I have had that happen before. I think once you get to the hospital and get gowned up and all that it will hit you. You will do great. Congrats and good luck!!
   — juliebelle0402

November 13, 2007
Thats so weird because that is EXACTLY how I felt...not good, bad or was just like I was there and thats it. Everyone (expecially my kids) were like, arn't you scared??? and I could honestly say no....because I was nothing lol Happy as can be now...I read these post and feel so bad about all the bad things happening to everyone and everything .... but you don't hear to many of the good...thats kind of sad...I am only 9 weeks out but everything has been great...yes I had one dumping spell (holy cow that was not great feeling) but I lived thru it without to many problems just went and took a nap and when I woke up all was good...and I have threw up twice....both times on chicken breast so now I am just eating dark meat and its all good. The doctor said that chicken breast could do this (after I threw up both times - how ironic!!) but everything has been great and the only thing I want that I can't have is a nice ice cold glass of pepsi!!!!! LOL but I don't want it that bad just sometimes it sounds so wonderful!! Good luck to you and I think the feelings your having are completely normal!!!
   — Kim82507

November 13, 2007
i've heard others have the same experience. i think it might be because you just don't want to get your hopes up and then maybe be let down. it may also just be your minds way of dealing. good luck and i'm sure you will do fine! i will be thinking about you and praying for you. Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

November 13, 2007
I felt the same way before my surgery. I really didn't feel anything. I kinda felt numb, like it wasn't real and it wasn't really going to happen. When I woke up after surgery, I have to admit that I hurt (before the wonderful pain meds) but then It still didn't feel like it really happened. I expected to feel different but I still felt like myself. Feelings before and after surgery are different for everybody so what you feel isn't a bad thing. Good luck with your surgery!!!
   — posprudence

November 13, 2007
I was the same way. Everyone kept asking me if I was nervous or scared but I wasn't. I really feel like I was completely prepared for this life-changing event. I think you have already dealt with all those emotions and now you are ready for the surgery. Good luck.
   — Paula K.

November 13, 2007
I do not know since I myself haven't had it but I do not think it is so very unusual especially after the two week fast your mind is probably trying to take some time off trying to deal with all the changes. I hope all will be well and that you will soon feel like yourself again only thinner and healthier.
   — lighthouse56

November 13, 2007
It is just your personality and own feelings. I had the same reaction. Very calm through the whole thing. My surgery was last Jan. I have done very well and no regrets. Good Luck and God Bless.
   — njkbutton

November 14, 2007
I to was exactly like you. I think its because I am so used to failing that this was just going to be another failed attemt and the thought of having someone cut on me to help me be healthy was the scariest thing in the world.. so it was easier to forget about it and just do it.. Now I am so happy that I went through with it. Im down 80 lbs and am amazed. I still have a ways to go, but Im on my way.. :) I'll keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Paula
   — japaad

November 15, 2007
Hello Everyone! New to this website but finding it VERY informative! My surgery date is scheduled for tomorrow. I AM excited about this very much. It's been a long time comming. I wish all of you the very best with everything! It has been a rollercoaster for me as well, but im looking forward to enjoying the ride! They kept changing my surgery I have been actually doing a 3 week all liquid diet! I put little sticky notes on my boost shakes that said "Prime Rib" and ones on my yogurt that said "mashed potatos"! Im my own mind it helped! Wish me luck! ErichK
   — ErichK

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