How is it determined when you lose weight if your going to have loose skin or not?

I want to lose 107 pounds and I promise to exercise at least 6 days a week, could I still get skin hanging?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on August 8, 2008)

August 8, 2008
There's no way to know for sure about loose skin as as there are many factors invovled....age, genetics, where you carry the weight, how long you've been overweight. Exercise can only tone muscles not the skin. Skin cream can help reduce stretch marks and make the skin look healthier but cannot alleviate it's loosness. You will just have to wait and see.
   — cjjordan

August 8, 2008
I have lost 150 pounds and Yes I have skin not as much as I thought i would but i do have some and i go to the gym 3 times a week faithfully.However, i feel i can live with some skin since i am living with a lot less weight! Best of luck.
   — Alvernlaw

August 8, 2008
I think genetics plays a role, also age; the younger a person is, the more likely the skin will be elastic and shrink back. Another factor in my opinion, is how large the person was and how many years they were significantly overweight. I suspect someone who was large for years and years will have a harder time with skin hanging than someone who was large for a few years, or so.... Just my opinion.
   — Gina S.

August 8, 2008
I was a light-weight 224 at the time of surgery. The year before I lost 50 lbs on medifast and my skin did great. Now I am down to around 160, and I dare not raise my arm to wave hello. But I am 49, and the quick weight loss, and my age played a factor. I'd still rather be slim and loose, than tight and fat! Lesleigh
   — lesleigh07

August 8, 2008
I asked my doctor that same question....He said everyone is different and you will not know until you get down...but if you are going to have loose skin there is nothing you can do about it except for surgery. So I just sit here waiting to see. Best of luck to you. I agree with some of the others....I would rather be skinny with skin than fat...
   — Kelly W.

August 8, 2008
Speaking from experience, I believe the older you are, the more likely you are to have loose skin. In my 20's, 30's, and even 40's, when I've lost a significant amount of weight, I had no loose skin, and I didn't even exercise. Now that I'm in my 50's, hanging loose skin is all over the place. Like most people have said, it's a waiting game, one that I seem to be losing, but happy to be around to be able to play it. Good luck.
   — Dro

August 8, 2008
Most people have some loose skin...Will it hang? It depended on your skin's memory...I've seen people who lose 100 lbs and have hanging skin...I lost 150 and have no hanging skin, but it is loose and jiggly...but I have good muscle tone so it's not a big deal to me. No one can guess what your skin will do...but exercise does help and muscle looks much better under loose skin than just bones...
   — .Anita R.

August 8, 2008
If you are under the age of 45 and your starting body mass is under 50 BMI then you will most likely not need to have plastic surgery to remove the excess skin from weight loss. There are other factors that may play into this. If you are a Sun Worshiper (IE: if you spent a good portion of your life in the sun getting a tan or went to tanning salons) you may have damaged your skin's ability to rebound and it may not be elastic enough to shrink. You may require surgery even if you fall into the category above. There are those that have genetic issues that would keep them from having skin that is elastic enough to rebound and not need surgery. There are other possible issues that would keep the skin from rebounding, but I am not an expert on the subject and you would need to consult with a plastic surgeon or a skin care expert about this to learn more. I only know this because my wife is a Nurse Practitioner, and she researched the subject when she was looking at the surgery for ME. This is what she discovered and told me when she made her discovery. There is no NEED to have the skin removed after weight loss. The issue is usually a matter that is considered a cosmetic problem and not a health risk. I hope this helps, Hugh
   — hubarlow

August 8, 2008
Losing 100 pound plus is a great thing, but you cannot take away the consequences of being obese by exercise. We are/were obese, and one of the consequences of that for most of us is sagging skin. You fight to lose those pounds, and do you very best, and just be happy with that. Exercise will help in the area of skin, but it will not totally prevent it. We did this to ourselves, and there are consequences for it. But don't let that deter you from losing that weight. The benefits of the weight loss are well worth the work. You have a great attitude, so go for it! Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

August 9, 2008
Yes skin sagging is hard to stop, you can tone muscle but not skin :( I did surprise my dr with results from body wraps for inch loss not detox. I took had them every two weeks for about 6 months bought in groups of 6 for discount. I have some skin but he was SHOCKED at the results. It has skin firming stuff & tightens the skin as you loose, I am happy enough not be seeking tummy tucks & such. They are all natrual & give you a chance to pamper yourself, I also used the boost cream on what I call my bat wings (arms), belly, and inner thighs to help tighten more. I lost 130lbs total at 32 years so my skin still had some hope in it. Good luck to you on wl.
   — Faerydust1313

August 9, 2008
SOMEtimes you will be able to tell in advance by looking at your skin; are there stretch marks? That is scar tissue that will not rebound. It can be found anywhere-under arms, breasts, abdomen, thighs, etc... It all depends on genetics and where you tend to carry your weight. I thought my abdomen would look awful, but it ended up being my 'bat wings' that were the most flabby. (But honestly my arms never looked good. I noticed it at age 14!) Like the others have said, I would rather be loose and not have to carry around as much weight. I wish you tightness! LOL!
   — MAG

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