How can you be successful with liquid diet preop?

I am on Day 5 of the 14 day liquid diet. Each day I have needed to eat something because I cannot stand to watch my kids eat and smell the food! I have lost 15 lbs. since May and 12 lbs of that was in the last 6 days! I know I was carrying lots of water weight, but I am weak and shaky. I am getting the protein, eating Lifesaver gummies, Popsicle s, tomato juice with broth. Any other suggestions?!    — dkhonts (posted on August 2, 2009)

August 2, 2009
i know it can be hard.i only had to do it 24 hrs b4 surgery.i had some of those yogurt drinks.something different anyway.i also just drank lots of crystal lights and cranberry juice and bouillion cubes.v8 juice was something different also.hope this the cooler section of the grocery store i found lots of protien drinks like juices by the orange juice.
   — carolyn1970

August 2, 2009
All I can say Deb is thank goodness my surgeons did not have this requirement, to be on a 14 day liquid diet.
   — sallie H.

August 2, 2009
I looked back in my daily journal to the 3 days of pre-op liquid diet I had to do. I had coffee, vegetable and italian wedding soups (strained of course), ice pops, iced tea and chocolate milk. Oh and Crystal Light too. A liquid diet is hard but you will get through it.
   — ChristineSandraSmith

August 3, 2009
I had a 10 day liquid diet. It prepared me for after surgery. You can do it, but eating lifesaver gummies is not the way to start out your new way of life. You should not be consuming any sugar or caffeine. My liquid diet was clear liquids. Caffeine stimulates your hunger and sugar is just bad. Good Luck
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 3, 2009
I am on a clear liquid diet right now, been on since yesterday morning. My surgery is tomorrow. I couldn't imagine doing a liquid diet for more than a few days, but I suppose I would be eating a lot of jello. Good luck.
   — Joseph Johnson

August 3, 2009
My friend is currently on the liquid diet part her surgery is tommarrow and she felt real weak at first then found if she mixed unflavored protien with cream of brocoli or another cream soup it really helped to fill her and make her feel better. Also I was able to eat lean meat and veggies or fruit if I thouroughly chewed it up to mush consistency. The purpose of the pre-op diet is to shrink your liver and to do that your digestion needs to be as easy as possible. That's why if you have to thouroughly chew your food if you eat any. I got permission from my surgery team to eat if I chewed till mushy. Your so close now it won't be much longer. I hope you have great success and a quick recovery.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

August 3, 2009
I was on a 10 day liquid diet, the last 3 of which were clear liquids. I was absolutely terrified that I would not be able to do it, and that the surgeon would refuse to do my surgery. I was drinking constantly, and...thank God...lost 20 pounds during those 10 days. My doctor says that it helps to shrink your liver...he has to move it out of the way to get to the stomach. He was already into one lady, when he realized her liver was just too large, and had to back out without accomplishing anything. Look, if I can do it, anyone can. I started out weighing 395 pounds. I am down to 279. I have a way to go, but believe me, it is worht it. You CAN do it!
   — Brenda Ashcraft

August 4, 2009
Couldn't help but notice you said you are eating Lifesave Gummies. Is that candy with sugar? If so the shakes you are experiencing could be from the candy because you are raising your blood sugar levels without a balancing of protein to offset the sudden drop in your blood sugar level. Same thing can happen from consuming too many carbs. You would be a lot better off drinking a more nutritionally balanced protein drink like Slim-Fast or other similar product. My surgeon had me on a 14-day liquid diet also but all I could have on mine was 5 OptiFast shakes per day plus water or other non-caloric fluids. It sucked but it is do-able when you want the surgery as bad as I did. Down a total of 52 lbs now. Yes, it is so worth it. Trust me, after surgery, those smells won't be nearly as enticing. Not for several weeks anyway and then it only takes one bite and you're full. Woo-hoo!
   — Arkin10

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