Psych Evaluation

I am looking to have RNY within the next month or so. I have my psych eval tomorrow and am looking for any advice anyone can give me about it. Thanks in advance!    — mensing03 (posted on September 2, 2009)

September 2, 2009
They are just checking to make sure you are mentally stable enough to handle the surgery and to make sure you don't have a history of eating disorders like anorexia or bulemia. (spelling might be wrong) If you do, they won't give you the surgery. My doctor's report said, he sees no reason why I shouldn't be able to have the surgery. I am a good candidate. Best wishes to you.
   — Kristy

September 2, 2009
Yeah, it's no biggie. They just want to make sure that you are competent enough to understand about the decisions you are making and to assess your ability to care for yourself, afterward. Like the other person mentioned, they also need to screen you for eating disorders that might need to be addressed prior to surgery. They want to know that you fully understand what you are getting yourself in for and that you can handle the after care needed. Good luck!
   — PaulaJ

September 2, 2009
Don't cry...I started crying and had to go back a few times...LOL
   — ckb70

September 2, 2009
Hi's funny. I went all "prepared" with pictures of me from the time I was 2 or 3 years old, showing the progression from skinny little kid to chubby older kid, to husky pre-teen, to lush (not fat, but REALLY BUILT 12 year old, to overweight teenager (but not badly overweight), to young mother gaining weight on a regular basis. She didn't even give me an opportunity to tell her the history of my weight gain or show her the pictures. She asked questions like, "what kind of support people do you have in place?" and "why do you think you're overweight?" and "what have you done prior to now to lose the weight?" and "have you dealt with the issues that made you become overweight?" and "how do you think this surgery is going to help you lose the weight?" and "what weight do you think is healthy for you?" and "what kind of a relationship do you have with food right now, and are you prepared for that to change totally?" and "are you prepared mentally to handle the changes in other people's attitudes towards you as you lose the weight?" and "are you prepared to follow the post-op regimen of some kind of cardio exercise EVERY day?" and stuff like that. Because I'd been in therapy for a long time, I knew exactly why I was overweight, and was truthful with her, and told her I had dealt with the issues that got me here, but that I was unable to get the weight off for any significant length of time. Lucky for me, I was not a binge eater, nor bulemic, nor someone who lived for sweets. I just plain enjoy a BIG, hearty meal and the feeling of being full. But I assured her that I was committed to being reduced to eating no more than an ounce at a time for a while, and that my biggest problem was going to be getting in all that water, but that I'd already been following my surgeon's pre-op diet and had lost "x" amount of weight, and was working hard to drink my 8 plus glasses per day, and told her how I was doing it innovatively (drinking herbal teas, and flavored waters, and setting my Outlook at work to come up and remind me to drink!). Anyways, I wouldn't worry about it. Just TRY to relax and go in and be honest with whoever you're seeing. It's not a punishment, it's for your own safety. If you aren't a good candidate for the surgery, better to know BEFORE it's done, not later.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

September 2, 2009
I got all twisted mind wise before i went for mine. Thinking What is He going to ask? Will he find something in my mind i didnt know i was harboring???ha you will do fine. just answer as will work out!
   — alaskaman

September 3, 2009
No problem, he just wants to be sure you know what the surgery is all about, what it will entail afterwards, and if you are willing to do it. He's not looking for any deeply harbored issues. Just be sure you know your stuff.
   — mrsannie

September 3, 2009
Yes it's about the same as the rest of the posters here, and omg I am laughing at the one that cried, I'm sorry, but had to laugh when I came across that one! hehe. I had already been going to mine for a little bit also, so I knew her pretty well and she knew me, so it wasn't a big deal, in fact, she was the one that told me where she thought there might be some issues and that I might struggle, so I was actually glad to hear that. I don't know what she wrote yet, I pick it up later on this month, but I'm not worried. Whatever is supposed to happen with all this will happen. Good Luck!
   — eyeflirt4fun

September 3, 2009
It's easy... just be honest and don't be scared! Lin in Watertown NY
   — LinnieJean

September 3, 2009
Hi Bobbie. Don't sweat it too much. It's really a good thing to have. My inital visit was about 45 mins with the psych doctor and then about 1-2 hrs taking tests (lots and lots of questions). When he scores the tests it gives him an indication of any possible mental issues you may need treatment for. I always knew I experienced depression and sure it enough the tests showed it. However, he didn't think it was severe enough to derail my surgery but should have treatment. I have been meeting with Dr. Smith since mid-July and I love him! He has helped me see things in ways I never thought and just talking with him brought out other issues that I didn't even know about (self-worth, self-control, gratitude, loving and being loved, etc). I had my surgery on 8/10. I saw Dr. Smith yesterday for the first time since the surgery and he was so happy and excited for me and we just sat and talked like best buds. Embrace this chance to explore the inner you, believe me it will have a huge effect on your weight loss outcome. Good Luck!
   — Cynthia W.

September 3, 2009
My psyche eval had me all nervous inside. I too feared they would somehow dig out some hidden craziness I wasn't aware of. The craziness I am aware of doesn't bother me. It's what I don't know that I don't want to know. LOL. Seriously, relax. It is nothing more than making sure you understand what WLS can and can't do for you. If you think it's the magic bullet to cure all your personal ills then you're in trouble and you will not get a recommendation from the psyche doc. Essentially it's just to make sure you're educated about WLS and the lifestyle changes needed for long term success, whether you have support at home for recovery and a few questions about your current home life if you're married, a parent, etc. I had a wonderful psyche doc; she made me feel so comfortable it was like talking to an old friend.
   — Arkin10

September 3, 2009
THANKS to everyone who posted an answer for me!! It was very helpful to know what everyone else went thought. I had my appointment at 2 today and passed with flying colors! :) I was very excited when I left his office! I am well on my way to the RNY and a new me!! Thanks again everyone!!!
   — mensing03

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