Bioton before you have WLS

Do you think taking bioton before WLS will help or prevent hair loss. I already am thinning (Bad hair dresser long story)    — Athinnermom (posted on October 17, 2009)

October 17, 2009
Boy do I hear you I was losing hair like crazy, so I started using bioton hair has been growing so I take it everyday. But I would check with your dr just to make sure. Wish I would have thought of that? It really good stuff! Be Blessed!
   — kaybusk

October 17, 2009
You can never start using Biotin too soon. I used it prior to WLS and continue to use it. My surgeon recommends it as well.
   — Makena

October 17, 2009
Biotin is a water soluble B vitamin and yes it does help with hair and nail growth. I used it ten years ago before my RNY and use it still today. At 56 I have a beautiful thick head of hair. What your body doesn't need will "wash out of the body." However, Biotin is not the only nutritional supplement that you should be taking. I hope that you are using a pharmaceutical grade vitamin supplement now and will continue to use one for the remainder of your healthy life. A reference book such as "Nutrisearch Comparative Guide To Nutritional Supplements" by Lyle MacWillam is a great place to learn the truth about vitamins and their bio-availability. Best of luck to you.
   — Pamela Ryan

October 18, 2009
I also have really thin hair especially right on top. When I went to my surgeon he told me to take Biotin twice daily and zinc twice daily. I take 5000 mcg (or 5 mg) of Biotin and 50 mg or 50 mcg, whatever they sale it as. I just finished up a 6 month supervised diet so I am pre right now. I can feel stubbles on top of my head and my daughter told me that my hair looked a lot thicker now. I also use thickening shampoos and conditioners but if my daughter noticed the difference then something is working right. Good luck
   — Ambria

October 18, 2009
I take Biotin twice a day, and also use the Nioxin hair care package for "noticably thinning hair". It's outrageously expensive, and I just started using it a month ago... I don't see any improvement yet, but we'll give it a couple of months. By the way, I am seven and a half months out, and I started to notice hair loss about 6 weeks ago. They say it only lasts a couple of months, and then stops, but it's still scary. My hair is thin and fine anyways, and to be losing even one hair a day is not a good thing for me!! I feel your angst...I never heard that I should be taking zinc, but I'll look into it now that someone else has mentioned it.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

October 18, 2009
One thing you have to watch with the Biotin is that the hair on your head will grow but so will the hair on your face and other places. I had to start shaving areas on my face. The hair on my legs grows so fast I could shave twice a day and still have hair on my legs about 6 hours later!
   — Kathy Thomas

October 19, 2009
If you have thinning hair, Boiton will help no matter what the cause. It may not cure it but it will help.
   — trible

October 19, 2009
With my experience, I feel Biotin won't help enough to really notice, if it helps at all. Hair loss is something unfortunately that you can't avoid. But......if you use the Nioxin Scalp Therapy mentioned in a previous post, it will help your hair "FEEL" thick and "FULL" but it doesn't make it grow. Although, I had a major hair growth while using it, it could have been a freaky thing. But the shampoo does help make your hair feel thicker and the thinning isn't as noticable. The hair loss is due to many factors: major surgery, fast weight loss, lack of protein. It will stop and if it doesn't ask your doctor to check your thyroid 6 months or so after surgery. Sometimes a surgery like that can also wack out your thyroid. I have dealt with my thyroid for 15 plus years, but not from surgery. Mine was a double whammy for hair loss though. Low thyroid plus the surgery, man I was sure to go bald, but I did notice baby growth at my hair line as the other hair was coming out. So don't worry, but do buy the shampoo. It's called Nioxin Scalp Therapy they have different hair types.
   — Kristy

June 21, 2014
I don't believe Biotin helps at all. I took it before and after, and I still had hair loss and my hair after 4 years still is thin. It never grew back the way it was before and I did all the vitamins, biotin, Vitamin D, Zinc; just anything I could think of, but still my hair is thin.
   — Ambria

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