Has anyone heard that if you have the realize band, that your after care like fills,

and Dr visits are covered for 3 yrs. Someone told me this, just chkng to see if this is right or does it vary per state and not just the band used? I have been chrgd 300.00 for every fill to my ins. co that is. Thanks for your answers.    — T R. (posted on April 17, 2010)

April 17, 2010
It is different with every doctor.
   — Jennifer F.

April 17, 2010
Each doctor is different with what they include with the surgery. Fills for one year free is pretty normal and you should not need fills after that. Once you are at your "sweet spot", no more fills are necessary. If you notice the statement you get from your insurance company, they never pay the full amount submitted by your doctor. If your fill is done under fluro, the cost is higher (and I hope it is done under fluro.) You should not have to be out any money for at least a year of visits and fills, but your doc will bill your ins. co. Best of luck and congrats on your decision to improve your life!
   — Bonnie H.

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