I want to die

I'm a failure!!! can't stop eating and am sure I've stretched the pouch, no supprot groups around, I've done counselling with no help,reached out to church,drs.and anyone who'll listen. Can't get an appt. with my doc and nut. not that they are much help anyway. I CAN NOT go back to my old weight but I CAN NOT stop eating EVERYTHING in sight. I'm 16 months out and am so upset in being a failure I want to die. HELP    — heavenlyhash (posted on September 6, 2010)

September 6, 2010
You don't want to die. You have realized that you are having an issue, so now let's look at it! You need to take out everything that is a temptation and remember that each day IS a new day! You can do this!!!!
   — omommy

September 6, 2010
Even though I haven't been operated but like you I love food. I just have learned to make "better" options, so that I can prepare myself for what is to come. Try to substitute EVERYTHING in your household that can be a threat to gaining weight back and replace with more nutritional food. BELIEVE me when I say that I L-O-V-E food. If you have been through all this and had a slip up here and there it is not means to call yourself a failure or something as severe as you want to die. Remember that we all have something that made us "thick" people. I feel that if you become more positive and substitute your foods you will place yourself back on track. But if you continue to feel so negative it will lead to over eating as you are doing now. I wish you all the best and don't give up what you have accomplished this far!!!!!! This website is great for support.
   — mperez77

September 6, 2010
Please don't I need to know who you are.
   — B_igbodybenz100

September 6, 2010
You need to see a professional if you are really suicidal. If you are using hyperbole in order to make your point in how depressed you are, a professional is still a very good idea. Even if counseling, support groups or a nutritionist have not helped in the past, when you meet the right one it can help a lot. You should make an appointment with all of them as soon as possible)and find new ones if the old ones were not good). Good luck and make sure to get on a board here so someone can help make sure you're okay!
   — anonymouslyobese

September 6, 2010
Hey your not the first or only one to feel that way. I received an RNY in May'06 and lost, then regained thus added a band too, in April'10. And lost again but again gained because I even though I'm eating correctly I'm still eating too much. If there is no support group near you maybe you should start your own with the free training though obesity help. Don't give up, Michael
   — Michael Eak

September 6, 2010
First step to recovery is admitting and your admitting you cant stop eating so that is a plus. We are all here to help support you in this problem. I know its hard not to eat. I have an old picture of me out by the fridge and I look at it every time i want something to eat. It helps me change my mind. And when i want food i go out for a walk or do something so i dont eat that food. You can do it. You already took the first step by admitting you had a problem. if you need to talk I am here for you.
   — angelintheair04

September 6, 2010
You are NOT a failure! You CAN get control over this! You lost the weight, so you must of learned what you need to do. NOW to just get back on track again! If you are eating junk and to much, try the 5 day pouch test to get all the junk out of your system and jump start eating right again. It really does work! I have done it a couple times and actually thinking of doing it again. We are here for you! Don't give up, as long as you have breath, you can fight!!!!
   — Kim M.

September 6, 2010
I have been feeling the same way for months now. I know I'm a failure because I just haven't been able to muster up the will power to stay on track. I'm going to start the 5 day pouch test. I'm trying so hard to not give up and hope you can try too. People like us sabotage ourselves for no real reason. You and I both just need to get a grip on the situation. Feeling this way is hell on our self esteem. But let's try to get back on track. We can do this!!! Please pick yourself up and dust your butt off. Today is a brand new day filled with brand new choices. Let's make the right ones today!
   — Kathy B.

September 6, 2010
I am so sorry about how you're feeling. I'm three years post-op and I know it gets tougher. What surgery have you had? Have you considered starting your own support group? You're trying OH and that's wonderful. Don't give up. I don't know about you, but I remember the days of eating everything in sight. First of all, get everything you shouldn't be eating "out of your sight". That may mean a new plan for home, work, and the commute to work. Your actions must match your desires. Remember the rules you lived by those first months. Joural every bite, exercise no matter what, drink your water, protein, protein, protein. Start a book of pre-op and post-op. Look at lots of pictures of yourself NOW, not the old you. I have a ribbon the length of my 68 inches lost. I write things that encourage me...-riding on the go carts, crossing my legs, fitting in the airplane seat, etc. DON'T GIVE UP! You are worth this. This can be just another bump in your journey and you can learn from it.
   — gouldsfiya

September 6, 2010
What you wrote is scary for me, I think we are all in the same boat of not wanting to go back to our previous lives. You may want to keep searching for a better counselor, I found a terrific one, plus I go to support groups too through the Cleveland Clinic where I had my surgery. I feel for you kiddo, I really do. What about Overeaters Anonymous? Good luck!
   — FSUMom

September 6, 2010
Hi! Congrsts on having the surgery and coming htis far. You are not alone in the struggle to eat or want to eat any and everything. Just sit back and take in what you have accomplished. You have done well so far. Be proud of that. Look at old pics of yourself and decide to take control again. I find prayer to be of great comfort. I also have strayed and found it easier to gain control than it was before surgery. Think for a minute about your food choices and why you are eating what you are. Are you stressing? I find I eat wrong and alot if I am stressing. but if I have a few days of bad eating, I decide to take control for a few. I will eat only protein bars or keep count of my calorie intake. Do you journal? start if not. SEE what you are eating. It really helps me. I am 2 yrs 3 mos out of surgery. Met goal at 10 months and haave been maintaining since. I fluctuate between 110 and 120. i don't always make good choices and i feel guilty when i do not make a good choice, but i recognise it and try to get back on track immediately,. No one is perfect and to say so is being unrealistic. Don't do anything foolish. I am sure you have who count on you and doing something foolish because you gained a few pounds is not constructive. Get the bad foods out of the house, try to keep carbs to a minimum. don't weigh yourself but only once a week and start walking or something to get yourself away from food and you can take the time to think..its what i do lol 5-12 miles a day. make sure you are drinking enough and that will fill you too... best of luck to you! Keep us if you want...and pray!!! It really does help!! hugs n God Bless, Kim
   — gpcmist

September 6, 2010
To Anitha and Kathy B. below, Neither of you are failures unless you just give up. I know its tough. I've been there myself and am currently digging my way out. I'm 5 years out and regained 50lbs. because I got complacent. The weight came off easy, but now its real work just like it was before. You say you're sure you've stretched your pouch. The thing is you don't really know that and you may be making matters worse in your head than they really are. You ticked off a laundry list of groups who you say haven't helped you. Is that true or are they not telling you what you want to hear? I'm not one to sugar coat things so I'm going to tell you up front. The ONLY ONE who can make a difference in your life is you. You say you can't stop eating. My guess is, you choose not to. It sounds to me like the food is more important to you than your weight loss. Check your priorities. I was 48 when I realized I need to change my life. I wasn't sure I was going to see 50. I'm 5'10" and weighed 323lbs. 52 inch waist. Hypertensive, TypeII diabetes, and hurt everywhere most of the time. Drank like a fiend. I have two daughters I want to walk down the aisle some day and that's when I knew I had to live my life differently. So what are your priorities friend? You need to think about that very seriously. If you're not happy where your at YOU need to do something about it. There is no magic elixer. The bypass made it easier but the work is still on us to complete. When I chose to quit drinking I prayed for strength. When I was afraid of the surgery, I prayed for strength. I regained 50lbs and am now working on getting things back in order again. To date I have lost 15 of those 50 and I WILL succeed. I liked where I ended up a whole lot better. What do you want friend? What are your priorities? You need to have a good and HONEST sit down with yourself and maybe ask God to come along if that fits with your belief system. If you want to communicate further, my email address is [email protected]. You're not a failure unless you give up, and it doesn't sound to me like you're there yet. Just by virtue of the fact you sent out this Q & A means you're still fighting. Good on you !! Let's sort it out and find a solution. Best to you. R.
   — Arl3rd

September 6, 2010

September 6, 2010
Anita, you don't really want to die!!! If you did you wouldn't be crying out for help. You already know you have a problem with controlling your food issues....but there is always something that drives us to eat. It's never JUST the food. Look at what changes there may have been in your life lately. EVERYTHING in our lives is about choices!!! You CHOSE to have the surgery in the first place because you CHOSE to take control over your health and your weight! The way you FEEL now also requires you to make a CHOICE!!!! YOU CAN CONTROL THIS!!!! Because only YOU can control YOUR CHOICES!!!! Food has no power over you!!!! And what we tell ourselves in our mind....(that is our battle ground) that is what we will act on in our daily lives!!! If you keep telling yourself that you CAN'T stop eating...then so be it! That's what's gonna happen day in and day out because that's what you believe and you keep reinforcing it to yourself! Make some choices Anita...choose to THINK differently. If you wake up feeling powerless, put some positive reinforcement statements on your bathroom mirror and on your fridge. Refuse to allow yourself to think negatively. Empower yourself to make good choices today with the way you think and believe about yourself. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Counselors and doctors only help IF you act on what they teach you and NOTHING will help if you don't change what you believe about yourself in your MIND!!! Anita, please take charge of your life! You have the strength to do this inside yourself! And if you need the help of others or professionals go for that help! The only power that anything has over us is the power that we give up to those things! Turn things around today. I believe in you Anita!!! BELIEVE in YOURSELF!!!
   — Jodi L.

September 7, 2010
There are support grps out there. Where do you live?
   — Karen D.

September 7, 2010
YOU are a FAILURE only if you allow yourself to be! It is within your CONTROL!!!
   — happypeach

September 7, 2010
The only person here that can make a change is YOU! no one else. Stop eating everything in sight, put yourself on a meal plan, their are options. You're negative talk will continue to get you no where! STOP!
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 7, 2010
You are not a failure! Have you tried to do the 5 day pouch test? I'm 19 months out. I started feeling the same way. I did the pouch test and it helped. I also made sure I had protein drinks handy. Try them all before you say I can't do it. And drink sip sip sip even if you want to gulp. I wrote the words SIP SIP SIP on my hands. I know writing on hands isn't suppose to be good for us but I did it so when my hands went to my face. I saw it. Hang in there. You have support here.
   — Corina C

September 7, 2010
happy peach, I don't know if your approach is "tough love" or just your new "attitude" now that you have lost weight and look "down" on people that are over weight as YOU once were. I do not feel there is need to be so heartless and inconsiderate of someone who is expressing themselves to everyone here and looking for support and guidance. I agree that everyone can control their destiny up to a certain degree, but I also feel that when you slip or lose grip of what is beneficial for you and "right" you should be able to have SOMEONE to talk to and guide you when that guidance is needed. I thank all of you that have posted positive advice and have not continued to "upset" someone who obviously needs all the help they can get.
   — mperez77

September 7, 2010
I have always been a self sabtoger and this time has been different only in that I am unable to eat to much or bad stuff without throwing it back up,( but this is not good either). I have no local support group but have found using the forums very helpful when I am feeling down or at my end. What type of procedure did you have? I was told it would take alot to stretch the pouch so stop worrying about that but begin today as a new day. I find jouranalling what I eat very helpful if I do not write down what I eat and what I excercise I am more likely to gain weight. Do not buy the bad foods, trick your self by buying reduced calorie sweets, 100 cal packs and if you do eat something you think you should not still write it down and why you ate it--- feeling blue-- just wanted it etc and if you really wanted it just subtract the calories from your allowment for the day .I think you will find out how much you are eating and why it would be helpful. Having a weight loss procedure changes us but we still have those other issues that we have to take control of because no matter what we will not be bale to succeed if WE DO NOT LET OURSELVES SUCCEED. please send me a message online and we can chat more.
   — Figler5

September 8, 2010
Hi.... please don't do something to hurt yourself. I totally understand what you are feeling, I had lost 123 pounds and in the last month have been so stressed that i am eating more....not necessarily bad stuff but more than i should. i have gained 5 pounds. stress is brutal. I pray alot and read the bible.... but the biggest thing here is excercise.... its a vicious cycle. get depressed and dont want to do anything , dont do anything and gain weight and eat more and then get more depressed. you can talk to me anytime
   — MarthaJ0110

September 11, 2010
Please take this in the spirit in which it is offered. you sound like you have a food addiction. Like sex, alcohol, gambling, shopping, etc. treatment requires heavy duty counseling, and even group therapy. Have you tried Over Eaters Anonymous? I heard that they use a 12 step program similar to AA.It doesn't work for everyone of course. You say you tried counseling...did you stick with it? Food addiction is a lifelong battle and the surgery only alters your anatomy, the rest is up to your mind, which needs to alter also. Good luck,I hear your pain. Please don't hurt yourself, call 911 if you need to . Please get help now.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 12, 2010
I know exactly how you feel. i can and do eat everything in sight, i have no control over it. i am ashamed and i know everyone at work watchs what i eat and talks about me. it is so hard, if i could have controled my eating i wouldnt have had to have this surgery in the first place. i have no one to turn to here. we have no support group here at all and no nut in my provencie who has experince with gastric by pass. i stuggle every day with this. it is on my mind all day every day. it is so depressing and over wellming. i dont know what to de either. if you figure it out please email me and if i figure it out i will email you. good luck in this struggle. i hope you succecced.
   — pinky_711

September 20, 2010
I understand how you are feeling. I had the same problem. In April I went to a nutritionist who took me off diet pop, preservatives, sugar substitutes etc. and put me on a 6 meal a day plan focusing on good fat and protein. I also started probiotics and L-glutamine 3 times a day. Since then I have lost 48# and have absolutely no cravings. Its like a miracle. I hope you have this available where you live.
   — BarbaraLL

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