Muscle does NOT weight more than fat - this is a common myth

MYTH: Muscle weighs more than fat! This common myth has found its way into fitness centers across North America. Body weight is comprised of muscle, fat, bones, organs, connective tissue and water. Before reading on, think about this; what weighs more, 10 lbs of lead or 10 lbs of feathers? Reality: Muscle does not weight more than fat. Ten pounds of muscle weighs the same as 10 pounds of fat. The misunderstanding comes from the fact that muscle takes less volume than the same weight in fat. In other words, ten pounds of muscle is denser and actually looks smaller than 10 pounds of fat. Also, muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so the more muscle you have, the greater the number of calories you burn at rest. The following link shows the picture to prove it!    — j_coulter (posted on March 17, 2006)

March 17, 2006
Muscle weighs more than fat. I don't see any myth, just confusion. 10lbs of one thing will always weigh the same as 10lbs of another... I guess I don't understand the logic here. Of course if you weigh by volume, the same volume of muscle is going to weigh more than the same volume of fat (ie: 1 cup of muscle would weigh more than 1 cup of fat). That's what they mean when they say "muscle weighs more than fat". I'm not entirely sure why you posted this here on the Q&A... did you have a question about it?
   — kjoy

March 17, 2006
what is your expertise to make statements lilke you have been. are u a medical person? If not I believe you are confusing a large number of people
   — Steve Cohen

March 17, 2006
The truth is that muscle and fat weigh the same ... One is less dense (muscle) so it takes up less room. The other myth that DRIVES ME INSANE is when people say that fat turns into muscle or muscle turns into fat. This is absolutely impossible! It is like saying an apple will turn into a pumpkin.
   — peacefuldaizy

March 17, 2006
Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. It's a fact, not a medical opinion. If you don't believe me, do any kind of string search for myth+muscle+weighs+more+than+fat - don't take my word for it. I just think that particular bit of misinformation being passed around does more harm than good because it doesn't make people accountable for other bad choices they might be making, analysis of ineffective exercise they might be doing, or possibly even a serious medical problem that might be going ignored...
   — j_coulter

March 17, 2006
The saying muscle weighs more than fat refers to a person that weighs 140 pounds that is mostly fat will look vastly different than a 140 pound person that is very muscular. I don't think I have ever encountered someone that took the saying you have. The implied meaning of the statement is very clear.
   — RebeccaP

March 17, 2006
I think that when people refer to muscle weighing more than fat they are looking at the same space consumption ei...a five inch cube of fat -vs- a five inch cube of muscle...obviously the cube of muscle will weight more than the cube of least thats how I remember learning about that in Jr. High....hugs to all....Kelly
   — qtkelly7

March 17, 2006
Jennifer you are correct- I am not only a soon to be wls patient but also an RN and I teach classes for diabetes and hypertension- any nutritionist or nurse worth his or her weight will have hands on models of 5# of fat and 5# of muscle- the muscle certainly takes up less volume,.
   — dabby

March 17, 2006
Well, I don't know about anyone else but I'm taking my info from the Dr's & coaches I've been asking. Perhaps this is still a myth (which we know most are supposedly based on some form of fact) that is still undergoing review. As always with any argument you can as many for the argument as against the argument. Talk to your health care provider, to get the answer you can trust.
   — KenyaE

March 19, 2006
Just another thing to add....muscle does retain more water (fat is hydrophobic) so sometimes since I weight train I feel a little bloated/heavier. More muscle = better metabolism though, no doubt!
   — emilyfink

April 7, 2006
There is no myth. The fact is that A cubic foot of muscle is approximately THREE TIMES HEAVIER than a cubic foot of fat.* The fact that people oversimplify this reality by saying "muscle weighs more than fat" should not offend you. Few people are dumb enough to believe that anything is heavier than anything else, when the weights themselves are left out of the equation. *Source: Covert Bailey, "Fit or Fat?"
   — Anna W.

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