REply to Pregnancy...HELP!!!

Ok just and update and I figures this would be the easiest way to do it. I am pregnant it was confirmed today. Don't know anything else for now. Well I am in a place where I am now accepting of it and grateful. My surgery will be post-poned till next year and since I have already completed all requierments for my insurance all I have to do is pick where I left off this month! YAY!!!!!!! So hopefully by next summer I will be on the losing side!!! Thank you all for your support if you want to be updated just email me [email protected] and let me know!    — bridgadean (posted on October 9, 2007)

October 9, 2007
You are right to be grateful for a new baby! Years ago when I found out I was pregnant with my 4th - I was very upset. A friend told me to be thankful that I could have a baby as many woman want one and can't. I have always remembered that. After 3 boys, God sent me my little girl who is now 22 and has just given me a new granddaughter. Good luck to you
   — beckiemclarty

October 9, 2007
I'm glad to hear that it all worked out for you!
   — fluphystuph

October 9, 2007
Congratulations Bridgette! All the best to you during your pregnancy and with the new little one. We'll be here when you come back next year!
   — Cindy E.

October 9, 2007
Congratulations Bridgette! All the best to you during your pregnancy and with the new little one. We'll be here when you come back next year!
   — Cindy E.

October 14, 2007
Blessings in Disguise! Congradulations, don't be down about having to wait until after your baby is born. I had one child pre op. I got pregnant at 9 months Post op with only 10 lbs to go to be at goal weight. Never got back down under 170 after him in 2003. My 3rd was born in June and I am struggling trying to get the normal weight gain off. It is much easier to get to goal weight and keep it off to not have baby's after wls. Although some people have had to loose weight to enable fertility, and a healthy pregnancy is possible it does not come without the fact that intestinal hypertrophy and lengthening occurr for the body to get the nutrients and calories it needs for your baby - in turn you may have more difficult time getting the weight back off and keeping it off. It isn't easy on the psyche to go from size 24 down to a 10 then back up to big maternity clothing and then not back to the 10 after delivery quickly. Good luck.
   — rgreathouse

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